The Big Shot in Economics School

Most of the time, freshmen were the easy preys on campus.

Counselors, dormitory staff, seniors students, cafeteria ladies... even stray dogs wandering around the campus dared to bark at the freshmen.

Because the new students were immature, reserved, and timid and curious, people couldn't control the urge to give them a hard time.

Of course, there were always exceptions.

On the playground, most of the classes and phalanxes had already gathered together. Some were lining up, while some were waiting to line up.

In the distance, a group of people walked over from the entrance.

One centimeter of hair was just a short layer of stubble on the scalp. The softer the hair, the shorter it was cut, or it would not be able to stand up.

Wang Yan had the longest hair, which was less than one centimeter, while Like Jade, whose hair was the shortest, revealed his bald scalp for all to see.