You’re The Best

"Your name is Wang Yan. You're the class monitor of class one, right?"

The instructor looked at Wang Yan and revealed a rare smile.

As a soldier, he admired the new recruits who were hardworking, obedient, and willing to train.

Wang Yan was not a soldier, but a student, so his performance was even more commendable.

"Do you know how to sing 'We Are Soldiers'?" The instructor smiled encouragingly.

"I... think so?!"

Ever since he got the system, it was the first time that Wang Yan was so uncertain about something.

Logically speaking, he could roughly remember the lyrics and the tune.

But the problem was... who could guarantee that a tone deaf person could sing the tune correctly just because he remembered the tune?

The instructor did not give Wang Yan any time to think. He urged him to give it a try.