Why Are You Shaking?

Wang Yan's apology in the beginning was so sincere and sounded to be from an innocent and silly middle school boy. It further increased the lethality of the last sentence, "Don't be so smug".

However, was Wang Yan innocent?

Yes, he was.


In any case, the boy left a deep impression on He Miaomiao.

When she returned to her phalanx, other girls immediately surrounded her and asked, "Miaomiao, what did the handsome boy say at the end?"


He Miaomiao thought to herself, "I'm not going to tell you guys. It's nothing to be proud of, okay?"

In the end, seeing her evasiveness, the girls started to imagine things.

"Wow! Could it be that he really confessed his love for you?"

"I like you?!"

"You're really beautiful?"

"No, no, no! It must be 'can we add each other as wechat friends?'"

"It wasn't that long, right?"

"Use your imagination, girls!"