Chance Encounter

The two detectives looked at each other and decided to do some tricks... uh, show some skills.

"Xiao Hong, look at Song Chen. Isn't he handsome?"

"Yes, yes! But I like tall and strong guys. Gao Hu is not bad."

"I like handsome guys. Song Chen is so good-looking!"

"Wang looks so pitiful. He's neither the most handsome nor the one with the best figure... Sigh, I think he can't become a flag bearer."

He Miaomiao couldn't hold it in any longer. She raised her head and lectured her friends with a serious expression.

"Let me tell you, you must not only look at his appearance to see if a guy is good or not!"

"Then what do you look?"

Xiao Hong asked curiously. Teacher He immediately gave them a lecture.

"Men, no matter how old they are, can be divided into three types -- those who are good at chasing girls, those who are not good at chasing girls, and those who are not interested in girls."