How Much is the Compensation

Lv Yichen was so embarrassed that he wanted to die when he saw Chen Yuhang and the others.


It was so f*cking embarrassing!

He shrunk even more and his body trembled as he bent down with all his strength.

Actually, it was a reaction caused by embarrassment. However, in the eyes of Chen Yuhang and the others, they would only think that he was scared by Wang Yan.

The youth sat quietly and upright on the chair. His waist was not deliberately taut, but his shoulders and back were very straight.

Two words flashed through Chen Yuhang's and Fang Tong's minds-- extraordinary bearing.

Proud and noble, but not very aggressive.

However, his not-so-sharp bearing made Lv Yichen shrink like a shrimp. This made him look even more terrifying and unpredictable.

What a f*cking tough guy!

Chen Yuhang sighed in his heart. He nervously stopped far behind the crowd.
