Wang Wang, You’re So Kind

The moment he turned around, Fu Guige was extremely handsome.

His heart was as hard as iron, and he was clear about his grudges.

The door opened, and everyone was stunned.

There was a middle-aged brawny man in front of them. He was at least 1.8 meters tall, and his body was full of muscles. His gray vest was bulging.

"Excuse me, who is Wang Yan?"

The middle-aged man's beard was unkempt, and his voice was rough and hoarse. With just one sentence, he gave the entire room of young girls a fright.

Was he here for revenge?

His shoulders were almost as thick as the girls' heads. How terrifying!

Wang Yan silently tightened his muscles, took a step forward, and blocked the door.

"That's me."

When he responded, he was prepared to immediately start a fight.

Strength would definitely be suppressed.

I was more agile, but I couldn't use it in a small space.