Guilty Conscience

"Give me your melon!!!"

He Miaomiao replied very quickly, and... very straightforward.

The heavy three exclamation marks made Wang Yan almost laugh out loud.

He asked in return, "Watermelon or cantaloupe?"


It worked?!

He Miaomiao's spirit was roused, and she typed the words without hesitation, "Watermelon!"

"I ate all the watermelon."

Oh my god!

He Miaomiao immediately changed her words, "That cantaloupe will work too!"

"I ate all the cantaloupe too."


After a loud sound, all the students in the tourism class looked in the direction of He Miaomiao. They saw the little fairy with her head lowered, lying on the table, and her shoulders were twitching.

Little A was shocked, "Miaomiao, what happened to you?"

"No, nothing... hiss... my leg knocked on the table... Ha!"

He Miaomiao forced a smile and looked up, her eyes burning with flames.

Wang Yan, you're a dead meat!