Chapter 245 Grey Wolf Husky [ basic update ]

After hanging up the 30,000 yuan call, Wang Yan turned around and glanced at he miaomiao. He noticed that the girl was smiling and there was nothing strange about her.

Friendship was above that, but love was far from it?

The young master was suddenly very curious about her favorability rating.

Let's check it out!

With a thought, he spent 10,000 yuan. The radar's new function, favorability rating detection, was finally activated for the first time.

[ he miaomiao, favorability 61 points ]

Oh, miss he is so hard to flirt with?

Wang Yan was a little surprised. The score was much lower than he had expected. He had thought that it would be at least 70 points.

Wait... maybe it was because..

He miaomiao received a phone call from his girlfriend, which reduced his favorability?