Chapter 260, where did this monster come from? [16,200 monthly pass plus update ]

During that period of time, Wang Yan's attention was focused on the system and the capital's 30,000 young ladies. When he held his graduation party, he did not pay any attention to the matter of the gifts.

What was there to pay attention to?

All in all, it was not enough to last two hours. As long as people came to support the party, it was fine if they did not give it.

Therefore, she did not notice that not only did Yu Qiuli give it, but she also gave it extra.

Of course, the real reason was not as simple as Yu Qiuli said.

Students did not follow the gifts at the registration table at the entrance. Therefore, Yu Qiuli was at the graduation party. After interacting with Wang Yan for a period of time, she suddenly realized that Wang Yan was a little handsome when he cleaned up seriously. Moreover, he was very steady when he talked and handled matters, the good impression began to rise.