Barbecue Master

Like Jade was really annoying and deserved to be beaten.

But the problem now was that even if he was beaten everyday, no one could control his big mouth.

Everyday, he would approach the girls and get excited. Once he got excited, he would start talking nonsense without reservation.

After a round of beating, everyone still couldn't vent their anger. They all muttered about how they were going to start a new program at night.

Originally, it was an internal program of Room 303, but now it was a daily activity that all the boys in the class were interested in participating. Like Jade had finally reached the peak of his life.

In contrast, it had undermined the credibility of all the boys in class one...

The boys and girls were originally having a good time. Leading by Wang Yan, the entire group was particularly harmonious.

But now, one by one, the girls were all staring at them with disdain.

Except Song Chen and Wang Yihang.