Lucky, Real Lucky!

Xiao A wanted to leave, but she couldn't. He Miaomiao refused to let her go.

"There's nothing going on between us. We came out together. Why are you leaving?!"

Xiao A held back and didn't refute.

You even held his hand in the public. Your face was with shyness. You still thought nothing was going on?!

How was that to be considered something was going on?

The dog in front of was a married man... a married man!

But He Miaomiao really thought that there was nothing wrong!

Good friends helped each other. How pure it was?

Yes, he helped me get rid of my suitor, and I helped him hold the fort. Other than the black silk uniform, which was hard to explain, everything else was normal.

Wang Yan didn't know what He Miaomiao was thinking, and he didn't know if she had passed the test smoothly.

It did not matter. He would have a conclusion after testing her favorability rating.