Warhorses and Glaciers in Your Dream

For a large-scale event like today's, the end of the main competition was only the beginning of more things to come.

The partners should be grateful, right?

The sponsors should communicate their feelings, right?

The livestreamers who worked hard to appease them should be rewarded, right?

Not to mention that there were still so many big things to do next, such as picking up the showgirls...

Er...that wasn't the right word. He had to convince them to join the company.

In short, Wang Yan had a lot of things to do.

However, as he looked at the sleepy He Miaomiao and thought about the card, Wang Yan felt very distracted.

How about... going to sleep with her?

Eh, of course, they would sleep separately.

"Are you really not sleepy? Do you want me to accompany you upstairs and coax you to sleep?"