Prohibited by Daddy [First Update]

Wang Yan was very angry.

Na Wu and Fu Yushi sat on the left and right sides. While whispering to each other, they would put their heads together behind Wang Yan's back. They would often get rubbed on the body.

Sister Jiang didn't know what was wrong with her today. Although she hadn't seen Wang Yan for a long time, she was closer and more open than before. She was very natural to physical contact.

She was showing off, but something finally happened.

Wang Yan was grabbed by her thigh muscles, and the pain made her quiver.

Being glared at by Wang Yan, Na Wu finally realized something was wrong. She hurriedly let go and explained, "Sorry, Sorry, I'm used to it..."


Young master Wang was a little confused.

Where did you develop this habit? !

She suddenly reacted, and her curiosity was about to explode.

What exactly happened in that dream? !