The Window Paper

Lin Weiwei came in a car. It was Wang Yan and Na Wu's hotel limousine.

When she found the A4L, Lin Weiwei grabbed Wang Yan's shoulder and pushed him into the driver's seat of her car. "I'm tired. It's your turn to drive!"

Young Master Wang was not very happy. The roads in the capital were too congested, so the driving experience was quite bad.

"Are you tired just because you did something?"

"My heart is tired!"

Lin Weiwei did not intend to be reasonable today, so she pushed and shoved Wang Yan into the driver's seat.

Then, she turned her head and shouted at Na Wu, who was about to open the backseat door, "You go take the hotel car! I'll settle the score with you when we get back!"

Seeing that Lin Weiwei's anger was not going to subside, he did not say a word and just left.

He only dared to take a deep breath after he rushed into the limousine.

He patted his chest and started to feel scared. Oh my god, it's so exciting!