High IQ Props

Back at Wangting Entertainment, Wang Yan went straight to talk to Ling Ya.

"You won't be able to go Panda. Pick one from Tiger Tooth, Dragon Ball, and Battle Flag. Which one you prefer?"

Ling Ya was stunned, "You just said you wanted to sign the contract yesterday, but you changed your mind today?"

"Yes, the company may stop the cooperation with Panda completely."

"Oh my..."

Ling Ya was not mentally prepared at all. She was completely lost but the little girl was smart by expressing her loyalty immediately.

"I'm fine with anything. I'll listen to your arrangements and go wherever you instruct!"

Wang Yan nodded, "Then I'll go and talk about the signing fee. You have to be mentally prepared. Those platforms probably won't pay as much as 30 million."

"Uh, the signing fee doesn't really matter. But I feel that those platforms seem to be... Heyday, it doesn't matter anymore. I'll go wherever you say."