How Cool Was It to Spend Money

Wang Yan read the book and wrote down his notes. Five minutes before the auction ended, he opened the system and took a look.

Experience points: 6,490/12,500.

OK, he casually entered 351 million Yuan into the auction price column.

He did not mean anything by it. It was just enough to add up the experience points into an integer of 10,000/12,500.

In the office on the 19th floor of Sunrise Building, seeing that the countdown was about to run out, the opponents who were preparing to celebrate their victory were collectively dumbfounded.


What was going on?!

Mr Jin and Manager Ge looked at each other, and a thought emerged in their hearts at the same time: Could it be that the other party had leaked the secret?!

Otherwise, there was no way to explain it!

It just so happened that it was one million more than the maximum amount they had prepared. It could be said that it was the ultimate pressure line.