A New Opportunity From His Dreams

Wang Yan waited excitedly until midnight on the first. The mall was the first to open.

Under the new rules, every time the mall refreshed, it was worth looking forward to. Simply put, if the quality of the items offered could be measured by money -- the price of the new item was worth more than ten times the price of the previous one.

In terms of money, being expensive meant better.

With a glance, Wang Fugui's tiger body shook, then shook, then shook again..

Damn, damn, damn, damn!

It was finally here!

It was a divine artifact that Wang Yan had predicted would appear, and he hadn't been waiting for it for a long time --

Attribute Modifier, Genius Edition!

The benefits that 79 points of all attributes brought to the young master couldn't even be described within a single thesis.

Looks, figure, intelligence, health..

And most importantly, the waist and legs of one hitting on two others.