
[ You have gained great pleasure from writing and thinking. You have activated a secret reward. ]

[ Truth Quiz Notebook ]

[ Special item ]

[ Usage: 3/3]

[ Effect: Write down any person or thing in the notebook, then list out all known information related to it. Finally, write down the questions you want to know about it, and you will get some clues. ]

[ Note 1: The more information you give, the clearer the clues will be. ]

[ Note 2: The more you know about it, the more accurate the answers will be. ]

[ Note 3: This is not just a test of fate, what you pry into is absolute truth and certainty. ]

[ Note 4: This card is only for the host's personal use, and you must personally write down all the information. ]

Looking at the new tool that he had obtained by accident, Young Master Wang was suddenly stunned.

This thing... seemed very strong?