Director Wang With A Headache

After adjusting the shooting plan, he rushed to finish the work. Two days had passed in a flash.

On the night of the 21st, the shooting team rushed to Star City ahead of schedule and made an appointment with Star City Television to shoot tomorrow.

With An Xiaofang's connections, everything was searched for clothes and nothing was wasted.

In the early morning, the props team began to get busy.

They closed the roads, rented cars, and set up equipment. They did all kinds of preparatory work according to the plan.

Director Wang was lying in the nanny van with the back of the chair down. His two long legs were propped up on the front desk, and he was paralyzed like a salted fish.

"Damn it, what should I do with the presents?"

He was extremely annoyed.

He was about to go on stage tonight... but he hadn't even picked out the f*cking presents. Just thinking about it made his brain buzz.