EPISODE 10: Morning*

My two crimson red eyes twitches, and my sloth-like attitude takes over. Another day, a predictable one again. Everything starts and ends in the same way. On my left, I take a small glimpse of Lily's sleeping body. Adorable, very adorable indeed. Little bubbles peek out as her pale mouth produces humble snores.

I figure to go back to sleep. Everybody is probably sleeping since it's only 7:30 in the morning. I shifted my body to the right. My eyes are about to shut, but then my attention spots a familiar Pokemon I've met before.

"Ah!?" I scream loudly. I am expecting Lily to be the only Pokemon beside me, what is Ralts doing in my room?

My loud scream accidentally woke up Petilil's confectionary fantasies. My scream stretched like wildfire. Even my mother was able to hear it from afar.

"Luna?! Is there anything wrong?" Athena questions outside my door with a worried and anxious tone. Using her spare key, she opens the door and saw my shivering body hiding under my blanket.

Ralts continues to murmur in her sleep despite my loud cry. Her blue hair gives off a vibrant pigment as light bounces back to my bed.

"Oh Luna, it's just a Shiny Ralts, there's nothing to be scared of." My mother sighs and her worried tone switched into an intoned one. From a boat traveling in the raging oceans of the mind, to a raft flowing in calm waters, my mother is relieved to know the reason behind my scream.

My body feels a bit comfortable as me and Lily's head slowly leans towards Ralts's dozing body. I gently touch her serene white skin as little bubbles popped out of her nostrils.

"What's a Ralts doing in your room? She probably entered from the window." My mother guesses. She observes Ralts's movements and sleepy behavior with a baffled mind.

"Honey, does this Ralts belong to you? Were you catching Pokemons without my permission?" My mother suspects with a slight increase of tone. Her hand gently rubs my blue hair as I continue to glance at Ralts's beauty. I respond by sliding my head sideways. I remember what Sabrina said, Ralts is a wild Pokemon.

"Not yours?! Hmm, somebody probably owns this Ralts. Another trainer perhaps?" My mother guesses. Her mind is filled with familiar trainers which could be nominees for this Shiny Blue Ralts.

With a swift speed, I grab one Pokeball from my pocket, I am about to throw it to the sleeping Ralts until my mother intersperses my actions.

"Luna! Catching Pokemons which doesn't belong to you is wrong. Somewhere out there is a worried trainer looking for his or her Shiny Ralts.

I know! I'll set up posters around the city, if no one claims Ralts then this means she's a wild Pokemon. In the meantime, why don't you take care of this Ralts?" My mother quickly catches the Pokeball before landing on the sleeping Ralts.

I concur with my mother's bargain. The only thing I could do is hope and wish that Sabrina is right. Everyone makes a wrong turn once in a while, probably Ralts belongs to the ownership of another trainer, or maybe she really is a wild Pokemon like what Sabrina told me. At least this surprise thought me to lock my windows before sleeping.

Ralts's eyes slowly glances at me and my mother. Her last bubble pops out of her nostril and her saliva clenches her dry throat.

"Hi... Re, Rember me?" My voice stutters as I massage Ralts's blue hair. She responds with a little ecstatic smile. Her body fills in with liveliness as she leaps to my face. She plays and pushes my two pale cheeks. On the other hand, I continue to play with her vibrant blue hair. A destiny it is, to meet a Pokemon with the same hair color as yours.

"You two have met before?! Well isn't that great? I guess your bond is starting to build up with another trainer's Ralts. I'll go ask the Master Five to help me make posters for that Ralts. Now, I want you to fix your hair and make your bed. It's almost eight in the morning." My mother instructs. She seems joyful to see me and other Pokemons interacting with one another, her smile shows how proud she is towards me.

While slowly closing my wooden door, a memory gushed back to my mother. A fainted and keeled over memory, that her brain tried to forget years ago. It was the time when my real mother and father left me in the orphanage. My mother remembered her fierce argument with my parents, as if a riot erupted back then.

A little bit jealous, my Lily is towards me and Ralts. Both of their faces beg for my hands while they glare at each other. Since both Lily and Ralts are Pokemons, it is profoundly certain that they could understand each other.

Petilil badgers at the Ralts, trying earnestly to grab my hand away from Ralt's head.

Ralts badgers back, it is uncertain however if she is glaring back too since I couldn't see her eyes due to her long hair.

"No... No, fighting." I stutter with a gentle voice. I soothe the conflict by massaging their heads simultaneously. Their jealousy then cools as they sit back and enjoy my massage.

The usual morning occurred, me and Jenny met at the dining hall again for breakfast. This time, we're being served with a plethora of chicken curry!

"What?! You never told me that Athena was your mother! Plus, that Shiny Ralts makes me jealous." Jenny exaggerates with shock, leaning her head towards me. Her eyes sparkle and gleam at Ralts's blue hair while she eats with my Lily. Jenny's spirit gave me a giggle of a lifetime.

"Imagine if no one claims that Ralts! You'll be the only orphan with a shiny Pokemon." Jenny's pitch increases and tries giving Ralts a little pat on the head.

My face couldn't stop giggling at Jenny's wild traits. She looks like a ten-year-old girl adoring a cute and lovable Pokemon.