EPISODE 18: Truth*

"Luna! It's already nine in the morning, why aren't you awake yet?" My mother questions while knocking on the wooden door of my room. She seems a bit worried to hear no response at all. Not even the slightest snore could be heard.

She knocks once more, begging to hear the voice of her drowsy daughter. Still, not even a single squeak could be heard. Athena's emotions start to jumble, somewhat like a homogeneous mixture but forged with the ingredients of worry, concern, and anxiety. Harshly, my mother tries to twist the doorknob not knowing that the spare key is in her pocket. Her mind is too clouded with anxiety, making her forget even the most recent memories.

"Luna! Luna!" My mother shouts with a very inclined tone. She tries all sorts of feeble ideas to break through her room, and that's when she suddenly recalls the spare key in her pocket. Athena's heart skips a beat. She gushes through the door only to here the succumbing silence. Curtains missing, a messy closet, and filthy clutter, she tilts her head to the bed and saw nothing, not even my presence and spirit could be felt.

Her heart feels deeper, as she steadily walks to the window, only to see a curtains tied upon each other. Her hands tremble on the railings, while her eunoia fades like darkness. Grief knocks on the doors of her heart, and she is there to welcome it.

"Why?" My mother questions with a fragile voice. A droplet slides down her pale face, and the rest followed in an unbroken stream. She couldn't accept the fact that I've escaped the orphanage. With a stressed mind, she sits down on the corner of my bed, the place where she always sits every time morning blooms. Her tears made the bedsheet moist like fertile soil, and my image turned into nothing but a figment of her memory.

Her weeping eyes are then caught by a piece of torn-out paper, folded in half. Her hands resist the urge to open the letter. She couldn't resist and withstand the pressure due to her aching heart.

Tears drop like rain as she reads the letter. The further her eyes glances, the more stressed and worried she becomes. I've run away from my past, and I'm not looking back.

With a heavy heart, she utters the news to Jenny and the Master Five. Jenny couldn't believe her eyes, she even rush to my room just to see if the letter is true. My disappearance is broadcast throughout the orphanage, gossips got louder, even the Pokemon Police Department heard about the news. They scour the city for one whole day, a day dedicated to finding my appearance. Chloe's body suddenly quavers with guilt and regret. If my mother finds out the reason behind this, she'll surely receive a grave punishment.

Night broke loose, and the gargantuan moon hurdles across the twilight blanket. Two officers came to my mother with a very unsatisfied look.

"We tried." One officer responds with a woebegone tune.

"You have to keep on searching! I know she's out there somewhere!" My mother begs with a very high pitched tone. She kneels in front of the officers just to beg them to continue their search.

"I'm sorry madam, we already checked the whole city, from alleys to corners, she's really not in sight. We even had a truce with some grunts, but they couldn't find her either." The second officer utters solemnly while trying to comfort my mother. Athena felt hopeless and unfortunate, her cries are louder than those of Explouds and Whismurs, and the serenity of the night was shattered by despair.


"Wake up, we've finally arrived." Arlo pats my shoulders gently which caused my body to twitch. Slowly and reluctantly, I uncover my face while peaking outside the windows of the pitch-black truck.

"Wh... where are we?" My voice stutters while questioning Arlo and Cliff with a drowsy voice. My sight gradually clears up, as the sun's galore blinds my pale skin.

"Welcome to Viridian City, one of Kanto's greatest urbanized areas... It's time for you to understand the true meaning of Team Rocket." Cliff grins while switching off the keys of the truck. My eyes take a glance on this so-called Viridian. I saw Pidgeottos flying across the sky, people walking with their buddies(Pokemon), and the aroma of rich technology and modernization fills the air.

The city air is fresh this day, almost sweet and floral as the pace of living relaxes to a steadier rhythm. The city is simply urban, just like Cliff's description- tall buildings in an exact grid pattern. Ubiquitous skyscrapers bouncing back the sun's galore, while cars raced through red traffic lights stubbornly flickering the grey.

I've never been to a place like this before, yes, Saffron City is indeed urbanized as well, but this one? Everywhere you look the presence of modernization could be found. In Saffron City, only a half of the population lives with technology.

"See that tall tower in the center of the city? That's the Giovanni Industries. If you're wondering who Giovanni is, he's the head of Team Rocket." Arlo points his fingers to an omnipresent and obvious black tower in the center. Due to the tower's height, even from afar the people could see it. On top of the tower was a large letter "G" symbol filled with a gradient pigment of Red and Orange. This tower stands out from the rest, very intimidating, and very suspicious. All this time I thought Team Rocket was just a bunch of thugs with no purpose or whatsoever, but it turns out, there's more to this than meets eye.