EPISODE 23: Register*

I'm nothing but a dead beat. Bolting through the halls with Charlotte fed me nothing but torpid, even my mouth could sense the bitterness of sweat and lethargy. I do not know where she's trying to lead me, but don't get me wrong, Charlotte is one trustworthy girl.

"So, Luna... have you received your uniform yet?" Charlotte's questions. Confused with what she's talking about, I respond by shaking my head to the side.

"Wait, no one gave you a uniform yet? Every morning grunts are required to wear their uniforms before entering the auditorium.

The auditorium is where the real fun takes place, I won't spoil it until we get there, hee hee!" Charlotte chuckles with sweat oozing from her face.

"Where can I get one?" I question with a soft tone. My eyes rolls, searching for an officer or commander who could give me further information about the uniform.

"Hmm, let's see... Uniforms may differ depending on the rank you belong to. Some are intended for spies, while some are intended for grunts. It's a bit too complex for starters like you to understand, but hey? You'll get used to it.

Follow me to the dressing room, I'm sure they have a spare uniform there." Once again, without my body responding, Charlotte drags me as if time was running out. My lungs aren't that satisfied yet after a slight halt in the middle of nowhere.

Never did I expect to see a girl much more rambunctious than Jenny. No wonder why the boss didn't want her to partake in missions, her nature could lead to a blunder.

"Ah?!" From a hasty speed, Charlotte's feet screech upon the floors while trying to reduce her swiftness. As much as possible, she tries to halt after seeing the secretary intersecting towards us. Luckily for me, I am clinging on Charlotte's hand tightly, she is able to gradually decline my swiftness as well.

"What are you doing here Charlotte? Shouldn't you be in the auditorium by now? And... why aren't you in your uniform?" Matori questions with a gentle voice. Her body didn't flinch, not even for a second, after almost setting a collision course with her.

"Sorry Ms.Sceretary, I went out late because I had to show my new roommate around. I can assure you that we're heading to the Dressing Room to get our uniforms right away." Charlotte apologizes with an uneasy mind, hoping she'll not enter further conflicts with the secretary.

"Charlotte, please proceed to the auditorium immediately, as for you Luna Evergreen, please follow me," Matori instructs with an intoned voice while wiping her glasses with a damp cloth.

"Oh... ok then, but how will Luna reach the auditorium? it's her first time here Ms.Secretary."

"Don't worry, I can find my way." My voice reassures while following Matori's footsteps. From that intersection, I and Charlotte separate for the meantime.

I don't know where I am heading My feet calmly kiss the floor while my eyes stayed firm on Matori's movement. Fascinating it is, to see a loyal and persevere secretary like Matori.

"Tell me, How many Pokemons do you own?" Matori questions with a subtle voice as we continue our walk down the hallways.

"Ralts and Petilil..." I respond with a timid reply with my head ever looking down on the marble flooring.

"Wrong answer for a simple question, My question is how many... and not, who are. If you want to become a profound member of this organization, I suggest that you think before answering a question." Matori sighs softly leaving me with an embarrassed look.

We stop in front of a door made out of the gradient fill of titanium and brass. Matori removes her glasses and stares in front of a camera staying still beside the door. On the other hand, I watch with interest in whatever process is currently being conducted. A flash of green light passes through Matori's eye, it does not seem to blind her by one bit.

[Access granted. Welcome back, Matori.] An automated voice greets her with pleasure and respect as the heavy doors opened to full glory. Mist peaks out of these doors, revealing a very pitch-black room. My eyes couldn't do anything but to stare in awe, I am mesmerized by the equipment around me, not knowing their purpose or whatsoever.

What caught my attention the most is the large metal torso and helmet displayed like a mannequin on the side. My body is so intrigued, I couldn't help but ask about it.

"Excuse me... may I a-"

"You don't need to know. Please don't touch or ask me anything, the information you seek is prohibited to learn." Matori interrupts with a slight increase of tone. In front of us is a large screen connected to a laptop laying below it. She begins to input codes and dialects that even my mind couldn't comprehend.

"Luna Evergreen is that right? Do you have any middle initial?" Matori stops typing for a moment while querying about my name.

"Luna Evergreen, I don't have any middle name," I respond with a timid voice as I watch her work from the background. She continues to type while inputting my name on the laptop.

[Luna Evergreen] The name flashes on the large screen, while showing other names belonging to different members.

"Congratulations Luna, your name is officially registered in the Rocket Archives.

You're currently a Trainee, once the boss sees your true potential, you'll be allowed to take on missions implemented by the Executives or the boss himself.

Members who participate in basic missions are known as agents, while those who participate in extensive ones are known as operatives. If your success continues to please the boss, maybe he'll give you a spot to become one of his elite operatives, or better... a new executive of Team Rocket... Although, that is highly unable to happen with only a two mere unevolved Pokemons.

If your potential does not meet Giovanni's standards, then you are most likely to be kicked out of this organization. Don't do anything foolish, or else with just a press of a button, we can deactivate your microchip, with your life coming with it." Matori warns with two glaring eyes. She gives me a white plastic bag, containing the Rocket Outfit. My hands slowly quavers while receiving the uniform. As a girl with limited knowledge about Pokemon battling, meeting Giovanni's expectation will be harder than moving a mountain.

"Your outfit differs according to your rank. If you're a spy, you'll wear a stealth suit, if you're an agent, you'll wear the typical Rocket outfit. Now, head to the dressing room immediately to try on your new outfit." Matori instructs. Her eyes gaze upon mine as if she was trying to evaluate me. I saunter steadily back to the hall with Matori looking at me. I want to look back at her but fear made my body hesitate.

My eyes are also eager to further ponder at the armory I previously saw. couldn't keep calm due to my curious conscience, I wanted to learn more, even if the knowledge I seek is prohibited.