EPISODE 25: Academy*

I don't understand. How could the room be so cold and desolate when the room temperature is on twenty-six degrees Celcius? Why does my heart feel so barren all of a sudden?

Even my legs seem numb while looking at the doors of the auditorium. The buzzing voices gave strength to my skittish personality, as I resist the urge to enter the room.

"The auditorium is the place where Trainees are enhanced with basic or even advanced survival skills which could be used in missions and operations.

Aside from survival skills, the use of critical thinking will also be tested, as well as your Pokemon's compatibility. You will be battling under the supervision of Artificial Intelligence, meaning you'll be training alongside bots that I and my crew created during the earlier days of Team Rocket.

There are also times, when you'll be facing either me, Cliff, or the strongest out of all of us, Sierra. Only one has defeated her..." Arlo's information gushes inside my head, making me even timider about what's to come.

"Only one defeated her? Who could that be?"

"Giovanni's son is known as the very first trainee to ever defeat Sierra and her Pokemons. I'd suggest that you keep out of Silver's sight, that's if you don't want to be forced to battle him of course.

Alright, let's enter the auditorium shall we?" Arlo's tone increases by a pinch while entering the passcode to the auditorium. Silver, so that's Giovanni's son, he's definitely a person I wouldn't want to come in contact with.

The doors open automatically, slowly revealing the auditorium's galore. My face releases more sweat, which turns out to be a droplet, became a stream of worry in the state of liquid.

The auditorium, a vast and modern area located in the middle district of Giovanni's grand tower. The people don't seem to pay attention to my arrival, they continue to chat with one another, making my heart feel lighter than a feather. My eyes are mesmerized, they roll through every corner of the auditorium, not a single inch is missed.

Shaped like an octagon, this auditorium connects five congruent halls which leads to other places within the middle area of the tower. Some Trainees looked fierce, while others looked serious, some have keen eyes, while others have a taste for exhilaration, each and every one of us has their own nature, just like how Pokemons have their own nature too.

"There you are! What took you so long?" Sitting on a metal chair, far away from the crowd is no other than the high-flying girl. She bolts like lightning after seeing me and Arlo enter the auditorium.

"Do you know how long I've been waiting for you? Anyways... welcome to the Rocket Academy. This whole area, including those five paths, is part of the Rocket Academy." Charlotte explains with an extremely high spirit. Never did I expect to see such a large academy, although I'm very aware that this academy has a different pace compared to other academies.

My body slowly adapts to the surroundings. Little by little, I am getting used to the noisy ambiance and aura.

From the noisy ambiance, comes the three Elites of the Rocket Academy, Sierra, Arlo, and Cliff. Steadily they walk forth to the stage, silencing everyone's mouth, and gathering all of their attention. Curious I am, about these three Elites, I want to learn more about them by observing their nature and characteristics.

"Greetings Trainees and newcomers alike. Welcome to the Rocket Academy! In this place, your skills and abilities will be put to the test, and only the best will be allowed to participate in missions. Before we proceed to the daily routine, let me explain the regulations for our newcomers.

During Missions, three members are required in order to participate. Which means, teamwork is an essential tool. There are times wherein an Elite will be joining you, and there are times when you'll be working alone with your partners.

Our duties as pillars of this academy is to train all of you to become a better version of what you are today. There will be times when you and your partners will undergo simulators with the use of advanced holographic imaging, and there are times wherein you'll be battling against the toughest Artificial Intelligence.

If we pillars, see your compatibility to participate in missions, we'll recommend you to Giovanni himself... but, if we see that you lack the standards of becoming a Rocket Agent, then you'll be automatically kicked out.

Remember, an agent of Team Rocket is always loyal to Giovanni! He or she must follow the missions, no matter what, that's if, you don't want to get kicked out of course." Sierra explains with a very hard authoritarian voice. Her looks did nothing but to intimidate me and my shivering physique. If I get kicked out of this organization, it's back to square one for me. I'm not even certain if my mother would still accept me when I return.

"Team Rocket! What is our motto?!" Arlo beams with conviction and encouragement, as if the spirits of every single Trainee in the room are lifted high into the sky.

"To protect the world from devastation! To unite all people with our nation! To denounce the evils of truth and love, to extend our reaches to the skies above! Team Rocket, blast off to the speed of light, surrender now... or prepare to fight!" Everyone's voice forges into one, as if we are in the synagogue, listening to a speech choir.

I stand still, watching Charlotte and the other Trainees recite the Team Rocket Motto. I listen to their voices, in hopes of memorizing it one day. There's still a lot to learn about this academy, and a whole lot of words to memorize. A part of me was suspicious about the motto, I feel like the motto has been edited, or maybe it's just my conscience.