EPISODE 31: Evolution*

We watch the sunset from the window, spreading its largess into a grateful sky. Rich hues of red blended with oranges, purples, crimsons. Our spirit soars at the sight as we were transported into a timeless existence.

I only bear limited information about this so-called Training Siege. According to Charlotte, every night trainees gathered at the center of the academy to battle one another. Sometimes, it may be an ordinary night with common battling competitions taking place, while sometimes, even Giovanni himself watches the matches taking place.

"Attention Trainees!" Arlo, the pillar in charge of tonight's training siege, calls out loud. His sudden high tone captures everyone's attention.

"We shall now commence tonight's training siege. The rules are simple, only one Pokemon should be of use.

We shall use the knockout system, wherein two trainees will battle against each other. The winner gets to choose his next opponent, and the last man standing wins.

Oh, and I almost forgot. Giovanni will be watching tonight's training siege." Arlo's explanation causes an abrupt change in quietude. Noise takes charge, as anxiety fills the air. Who wouldn't be worried when the boss will be watching?

The doors of the auditorium begins to squeak, gathering everyone's attention. From the buzzing noise, comes the sudden silence, as everyone glances cautiously at the door. Not a single movement was made, not a single sound was heard except for the heavy breathing of the crowd.

Suspense becomes the new normal as Giovanni enters with a midstance posture. His eyes are as those of a Mightyena, searching for prey. No one dares to glare back, not even a single glimpse. Aside from his eyes, comes his malicious scowl. With a scowl as vicious as him, who knows if his next intentions could be friendly or badgering.

"Let the Training siege... commence!" Giovanni proclaims while sitting on a chair in front of the stage with his two hands lifted across the sky.

"We shall start with Luna Evergreen! Please proceed to the stage." Arlo instructs.

My body quivers while walking to the other end of the stage. With anxiety lurking around, being calm isn't an option. I kept my posture and tried to think of happy thoughts. It will be a hard time for me to concentrate, especially when Giovanni watches me in the eyes. In the meantime, Charlotte cheered for me from the background.

"Before Luna chooses an opponent, is there anyone who wishes to challenge her first?" Arlo queries.

"Me! I challenge her to a Pokemon Battle." A grunt from the corner raises his hand. He has an arrogant look while keeping a midstance posture. He acts as if he is Giovanni, walking down the marble aisle.

"Alright then, the first match of tonight will begin with Luna Evergreen against Chuck Meister. I will be the referee of the match.

As explained a while ago, each shall use one Pokemon each." Chuck Meister, so that's his name. A man with a pale face like mine has brown hair and a pair of glasses tinted with the colors of dusk.

My body is shrouded with intimidation and coercion. Never did I tilt my head to Giovanni nor Chuck, I remain firm, looking at the marble stage with weary eyes.

"Pfft! No girl can ever defeat a man. No matter what, girls are always soft and weak." Chuck chuckles viciously while boasting off his Pokeball by spinning one on top of his index finger. The other male Trainees laughs hysterically, all of them concurs to what Chuck has just uttered to my face.

Even with the laughing crowd, Giovanni didn't dare to join in. Being a male, he remains humble and quiet, observing both of our moves.

"Trainers! Please send out your Pokemon." Arlo instructs with a deep voice.

"Let's make this a quick game! I'll prove to the world that men are superior to women. Come out Arbok!" From his index finger, Chuck's Pokeball dashes through the sky, releasing a violet slithering snake.

[Arbok! The Cobra Pokemon, a poison type. This Pokémon is terrifically strong in order to constrict things with its body. It can even flatten steel oil drums. Once Arbok wraps its body around its foe, escaping its crunching embrace is impossible.] The Kanto Dex informs, showing essential data about the foe on its blue screen.

Arbok is a serpentine Pokémon that resembles a cobra. It has narrow eyes and several sharp teeth. Just below its head is a large hood with a face-like pattern. This pattern has over 20 possible variations. The pattern typically has two red and yellow eyespots outlined in black, a wide black streak resembling an upturned mouth, and a black V-shaped stripe above the eyespots.

"Ralts! I choose you."

Ralts experiences a sudden shock. She is immediately intimidated by Arbok's blunt eyes and irritating hisses.

"Let the battle... commence!" Arlo proclaims.

"Arbok, use wrap on Ralts!"

Ths violet slithering snake hisses hysterically as it approaches my Shiny Ralts. Arbok wraps Ralts viciously, causing her forehead to swell with a violet pigment.

"Ralts... use confusion!"

"Quick Arbok, use Hyper Fang before the foe attacks!"

Ralts's speed is overrun by Arbok's swiftness, causing the foe to attack first. Arbok's sharp and harsh fangs gleam with a fiery pigment. Its fangs pierce through Ralts's body, causing her to scream the horrors of pain.

With Arbok's wrap and vicious fangs, I and Ralts may have a little to no chance of winning. On the other hand, Giovanni continued to gawk and observe the match, his eyes gleam lustrously as if he was interested in the match.

Things aren't doing so well inside my head. I start to panic while thinking of available options. Sierra's words flashback right to me: analyze every situation, keep calm, and think before you act. You may not know if the answer you seek is within the foe itself.

"Stay calm... stay calm..." I encourage my mind. With keen eyes, I observe the situation. There must be a weak spot, there is always a weak spot.

"Arbok! Finish Ralts with Hyper Fang once more!" The sensation of success shrouds Chuck's body.

"That's it! Quick Ralts, growl at Arbok." An idea comes out of nothing but hypotheses. With Ralts's powerful growl, it could scare off Arbok, causing it to release her.

Arbok's ears start to irritate, it could no longer bear the high pitch tone thus the foe drops Ralts out of its grasp. The slight boredom disperses out of Giovanni's body, as he leans his head forwards with awe.

With a very exhausted look, Ralts tries her best to stay firm. Her body begins to gleam with a lustrous veil. I couldn't quite see what is happening to my Ralts but everybody looked astounded. The veil beams a blinding light, causing me and chuck to cover our eyes with our hands. All I could hear is Ralts's cry, slowly getting thinner.

The veil disperses into thin air, and reveals a much more taller and unfamiliar Ralts.

[Kirlia, the emotion pokemon! A Psychic and Fairy type. KIRLIA uses the horns on its head to amplify its psychokinetic power. When the POKéMON uses its power, the air around it becomes distorted, creating mirages of nonexistent scenery.

Kirlia currently knows four moves:

-Double Team




The target is attacked with a peculiar ray. This may also leave the target confused] My interest and astonishment couldn't resist the urge to scan my Ralts. This is my first time to witness a Pokemon to evolve into something far greater. In the inside of my body, lies blood traveling through my vessels with pride and satisfaction. I couldn't feel any happier than this.

Kirlia is a bipedal, humanoid Pokémon that appears to be wearing a tutu. Most of its body is white, and there are three ruffles on each hip. Beneath the ruffles, it has skinny green legs with long, pointed feet. Its arms are also thin with two digits each. It has green hair that covers most of its face and reaches its shoulders on either side, resembling two ponytails. Large, red eyes are visible on either side of the hair that covers its face. On each side of its head is a flat, red horn that resembles a hairpin.

"Kirlia, use Psybeam!"

An array of violet light flashes towards the foe. Arbok flinches and couldn't do anything but to watch the blinding light rapidly heading towards it.

"Quick Arbok, use Bite!" Kirlia's efforts are wasted after seeing the foe wounded yet firm. Arbok kept its composure as it gushes through Kirlia with fangs craving for a prey.

Just before Arbok's fangs pierce through Kirlia's feathery skin, she giggles and teleports behind the foe. Without the need for commands, Kirlia knows how to adapt according to the situation.

"Arbok, behind you! Use Bite!"

"Kirlia, use Double Team!"

Kirlia manipulates herself and sent out multiple copies of her image, causing the foe's attack to miss.

"Kirlia! Finish Arbok with one more Psybeam." The feeling when I first battled Charlotte came rushing back to me. A sudden feeling composure a spark of bliss perhaps?

"Arbok is no longer able to battle! The match goes to Kirlia and Luna Evergreen!" Arlo announces, which lifted everyone's exuberance.

"I guess I was correct after all..." Giovanni murmurs as his two hands clapped slowly. I feel blissful, to see that I've placed a smile on Giovanni's face.

"Before Luna Evergreen picks an opponent, does anyone wishes to challenge her?" Arlo questions to the crowd.

A moment of silence occurs as everybody glanced at each other. I am hoping that no one would challenge me, so I could ask Charlotte to battle me next, but somewhere out there lies an eager man, pursuing to show off his strength.

"I wish to challenge her!" Another man from the background raises his hand. He utters with a serious tone, which caught the attention of the people around him. With a midstance posture, this man walks towards me with confidence. His face says no emotions at all, it is completely expressionless... completely blank.