EPISODE 36: Captive*

The curiosity of the minds of these wardens continued to flourish. Their eyes gave me an uncomfortable sensation, causing my body hair to stand up straight. Their squinted eyes peeked through the holes just like a cat looking for its prey through a mouse gap.

"Stay still..." Xavier instructs through the mic located in his upper chin. My body tries its best not to shudder, in the meantime, my mouth keeps shut even if it yearns for oxygen. Only a miracle or a Pokemon battle would save me, plus responding back to Xavier will raise my suspiciousness.

"Patrick, Josh, what are you two doing there?" A fine lady with black glasses, violet hair, and a lustrous labcoat utters. By luck, their attention was seized by one of the PGC's famous professors.

"Professor Violet, pleasant evening is it? Me and Patrick were just checking the closets. It's probably just another Ratatta sneaking into the closets." Josh explains with raised eyebrows and drooling sweat.

"Professor Violet... Wait, let me get details about her." Xavier utters. I could hear him and Charlotte trying to type something on one of their laptops, while I, on the other hand, was feeling a pinch of relief.

"Ah, I see. Professor Violet is one of the PGC's leading professors. She specializes in Pokemon Evolution and Genetics.

Not only that, according to her bio, she once worked with a professor in Lavender Town, they worked on a project which pertains to Mewtwo." Xavier informs as he read the details on the screen of his laptop.

It is astonishing to see how Charlotte was able to hack through the PGC archives in a nick of time by trespassing the firewall of their supercomputer. The archives contain valuable and secret details about every employee, even the ones who were fired or removed.

"This could be useful for the boss, he wants to capture Mewtwo anyways. Hmm, her bio says something about an abandoned mansion on a faraway island.

This seems peculiar, for I have not heard any abandoned houses except for the ones in Lavender Town. Anyways, back to the current situation. Once the wardens and the professor leaves, this will be your opportunity to take the next right.

It looks like the coast is clear, the past directions will only serve as a confusion, so listen to what I have to say.

Instead of going left, you will take the right, and enter the last room, that is where you can find Absol." Xavier adds. Charlotte switches tabs, from the archives to the CCTV access, but she made sure first that every valuable information about the professor has been sent to her hard drive.

"Alright then, go and continue your night shift. I have to tell the general about my latest findings about Mewtwo." Professor Violet utters while twitching her glasses. Her words gave me encouragement to eavesdrop their conversation. What could be better than doing additional objectives for the boss? This will help him save the world even faster.

"Mewtwo? Man, you guys are still changing that thing aren't ya?" Patrick complains while scratching his head.

"Of course. Mewtwo will only cause further destruction if not held captive right away. This is the purpose of the PGC's secret mission.

Anyways, I cannot link more details about Mewtwo since both of you are... hmm, let's just say, prohibited to know more about the PGC's secret activities." Professor Violet enunciates. She continues to saunter through the halls while nodding her head in front of the guards. I guess it is a symbol of respect for all their hard work on protecting the lab we are currently infiltrating.

"This never stops. Can't they just leave Mewtwo alone? I mean, it's not causing any more destruction right? This council is getting more suspicious every day. Come on Patrick, let's continue our shift." Josh gives a deep yawn while somewhat complaining about the council. I was expecting the professor to leak more details, but it looks like the PGC will always remain as a secretive organization just like Team Rocket.

"Alright! the coast is clear, its time for you to move out now." Xavier signals.

I may be frustrated by how Xavier commands me, but I know that I must tolerate it for the sake of this mission. Once the mission is done, then probably I and Charlotte will be assigned with a different Stealth Agent, a more adequate one I presume.

I try to keep the squeaks minimal to avoid further conflict with other wardens. My body becomes more cautious this time, as I turn towards the right hall. The CCTVs are still under Xavier's command, which means only Xavier can see me, the guards, and the other employees. As for the man who slept in the control center of the lab, he'll probably be fired.

"Yes, enter that room. It seems to me that the Pokemon is napping on the floor, but for some reason a lot of, cables are attached to its body.

Absol's gender is a female based on her blunt scythe. Female Absols have blunter scythes rather than male ones. All you have to do is to either capture it or find her Pokeball." Xavier instructs with a much more observant look. Charlotte tries her best to detect the locations of all employees through the CCTVs. Steadily and cautiously, she tries to predict their next steps in case one of them plans to enter the room I'm infiltrating.

My eyes glance over all the equipment, Half of my body enrages while the other half shows sympathy to Absol. She isn't sleeping, for the way I see it, the PGC is experimenting on her.

Absol seems injured and her body seems to be gasping for air. Xavier may have thought that Absol was sleeping due to the CCTVs low resolution. My eyes continues to glance over the cables attached upon the injured Pokemon, I tried to find the source.

Large Test Tubes, filled with a substance I've never seen before, but one thing's for sure, these substances are either slowly killing Absol or maybe serving as another purpose.

"Xavier. Absol isn't sleeping, she's being tortured."

"Its probably because of what Giovanni has foretold. Absol is a bad omen, but the boss also has a point, why would a genetic foundation like this believe in such superstition?

Science and Superstitions are two fields which cannot be combined, unless... Absol was captured for another reason." With shifting tones, Xavier utters. The three of us grew more curious about the PGC for it may be a threat to Team Rocket in the future.

Absol growls at me, the moment I touch her silky fur.

"It's ok, I am Luna Evergreen, and I'm here to rescue you. Everything will be alright. We'll teach those who have wronged you a lesson they'll never forget." I soothe. Gently, I rub her silky fur, and slowly did she learn to trust me.

"Hmm, look who we have here?" A voice utters sarcastically from behind. My body starts to tremble in fear as I remove my hand from Absol's fur. She is growling, indicating that someone else is behind me.

"What happened?!" I whisper. Xavier and Charlotte aren't responding through their mic. What could've happened to Xavier? He's the one in charge of the CCTV after all. It looks like the tables have turned, and now I am the one held captive.