EPISODE 41: Evaluation*

Early in the morning the artistic sun got up like a baby and started painting the dark black sky into a bright blue sky. The bright looking milky clouds got up from sleep and started traveling around the sky visiting the wonderful environment.

Giovanni has given the three of us a day off after our first success. We have been given the opportunity to explore the city for just one day, without our uniforms of course. Xavier decided to spend the day for training with his Pokemons, while me and Charlotte decided to roam around Viridian's vast city.

"So, where do you want to go? The mall? Or perhaps the market? Oh, I know, about we head to the trainer house?" Charlotte spews suggestions and landmarks unto my face with a very exuberant spirit. I am not sure what to respond with since I am not fond of roaming around malls and public areas. Typically, I like places with only a few people, such as the libraries and museums promoting fine artistry.

"Hmm, about the Cafe?" Charlotte suggests. I shake my head sideways, responding with a no. My abdomen is still loaded from the Okonomiyaki we ate for breakfast.

Just when everything seemed dull to me. A large structure or perhaps a large building caught my attention. I was astounded by the enormous Rhydon statues coated in grey paint. The statues shrouded the place, giving it a royal yet adequate look.

"What place is this?" I question with eagerness to know the answer. My body feels enthusiastic to enter the place.

"Hmm, I'm sure I've seen this place before but I think I forgot its name." Charlotte tilts her head to the side, just like a confused poodle.

The two of us came forth, then slowly knocking upon the metallic-coated doors. I couldn't take my eyes off the illustrations on the door. It is similar to the illustrations on one of the orphanage's doors.

"The EARTH has music for those who listen," I mutter what is written on the door. It truly is an attention-grabbing factor for me.

"What are you two doing here?" The doors creak as it opens steadily only to be greeted by Giovanni's secretary. She sighs as if she didn't want us to be here.

"Oh Ms.Matori, is this place owned by Team Rocket as well?" Charlotte questions.

"Of course. This is the Viridian Gym. I'd suggest that you spend your day off somewhere else rather than wasting your time here, the boss has a challenger here."

"Viridian Gym? So this must be a place where people can earn a gym badge. Can we watch the match?" Charlotte begs with glittering eyes.

"I beg your pardon? This place is off-limits to everyone except for the gym leader and the challenger."

With a little persuasion, Matori sighs and finally agrees to Charlotte's plead. My body spurts with excitement for this will be my first time watching a gym battle. Not only that, but this will also be my first time to watch the boss battle another trainer.

On the balcony of the gym is where we stay. Charlotte couldn't resist the urge to hold unto the railing, and cheer for the boss but Matori prohibited us from flooding noise around the battlefield.

The stains on the battlefield are immense. It's obvious to me that a lot of battles between strategies and tactics took place recently.

After an hour of waiting, the challenger finally arrived at the gym. He wears a black shirt, red shoes, and his eyes are painted with the color of the sun. He proceeded to the other edge of the battlefield with confidence and determination.

On the other hand, Giovanni and his feline companion comes forth. No matter where he is, he will always be carrying his vicious and intimidating scowl. As for Matori, she serves as the referee of the match.

"The gym challenge between challenger Carlos and gym leader Giovanni is about to commence. Each shall use three pokemons each, the battle ends when either side no longer has any Pokemons to battle with.

Alright, please send out your first Pokemon!" Matori announces with an encouraging and convincing tone. Both parties unleash their Pokemons to the battlefield. It resulted in two glaring foes.

The challenger sent out his Blastoise, the usual during ground type gyms. The boss on the other hand sent out a terrorizing king, or perhaps in this case, Nidoking.

[Nidoking! The Drill Pokemon, a ground and poison type. NIDOKING's thick tail packs enormously destructive power. With one swing, it can topple a metal transmission tower. Once this POKéMON goes on a rampage, there is no stopping it.] The Kanto Dex informs while displaying valuable data through the blue screen.

Nidoking is a large, bipedal, purple Pokémon with distinct reptilian features. It has narrow eyes, large, spiny ears, fur-like tufts on its cheeks, and a short snout filled with pointed teeth. There is a long, venomous horn on its forehead and a ridge of spines down its back. Gray plates cover its chest and belly, and there is a gray, rounded spine on each elbow. Each hand has three claws, while each foot has only a single hoof-like nail. It has a long, powerful tail.

Both sides battle fiercely across the battlefield. Blastoise uses water attacks, which are the most powerful options when handling a ground type. The boss however has no interest nor attention towards Blastoise's water moves.

He immediately poisons the foe's Pokemon with Nidoking's sludge bomb attack. Slowly, the venom succumbs to Blastoise's body from time to time, causing it to faint after a few moves or so. Interesting, interesting indeed to see a Pokemon handling a type disadvantage. Actually, according to an interview I've watched on my phone, trainers usually forget about type disadvantages and focus more on speed and bond.

There goes Carlos throwing another Pokeball to the battlefield. Exeggutor is up next. A Kanto Exeggutor can be easily distinguished from an Alolan Exeggutor based on its height and length. Alolan forms usually look like tropical fashioned Pokemons with a pinch of finesse.

Once more, a powerful Eathquake shakes the ground, causing Exeggutor to faint immediately. I lean forwards, with awe and amazement, never in my life did I ever see a move knocking out a foe in one shot.

I've read a website about Pokemon moves once. It says, that the move Earthquake is much more immense compared to the move called Magnitude. When it comes to accuracy, speed, and power, Earthquake reigns over.

The foe wipes a sweat, as he tosses his last Pokeball. Carlos sends out a Fearow and immediately catches Charlotte's love for flying-type Pokemons. In my opinion, Fearow has an advantage for it can fly above the ground when facing the move called Earthquake.

Giovanni however, didn't flinch by one bit. He continues to keep his midstance while his face shows his vicious smile. The boss commands Nidoking to use Rock Tomb, causing a whole bunch of jagged boulders to fall upon Fearow. Of course, being a flying type, Fearow tried to dash through the falling rocks, yet failed to do so.

Once Fearow reaches the ground, Earthquake strikes once more, causing Fearow to faint and lose consciousness. Giovanni's battling style inspires me, I may not be that good but at least I've learned something new.

Melancholy hugs Carlos gravely. He dashes out of the doors, seeking help from Nurse Joy. Matori hasn't proclaimed the match as over, yet Carlos left immediately. Clearly, he is a man without sportsmanship.

"As for the observers, let this match be a lesson. Never feel feeble when facing a type disadvantage. Observation is important when it comes to battling." Giovanni quotes while massaging Nidoking's forehead. Their smiles gave me a conclusion that both of their bonds are strong, yet badly misinterpreted by many.