From the control center where me and Charlotte are, an abrupt explosion occurs in the lobby. Without expectations, the Pokemon Government Council is really using lethal force in order to claim revenge.

Outside the window, I could see the nearby people trying to rush away from the raid. I could also hear the sirens of police cars and ambulance vehicles getting closer.

Of course, there are no bombs. Only tear gas and smoke grenades for easier infiltration. Me and Charlotte now wonder on what steps we should take.

"Their after the Mewtwo Database which is located at Giovanni's room. As much as possible, we should try to protect the room, right Luna?" Charlotte suggests as she watches the CCTV with eyes wider than those of a Braviary.

"You guard the room... I have some businesses to take care of." I mutter softly with clenched fists. I then look to the cameras, and watched my father's footsteps entering the second floor.

"No Luna. I know where this is heading, don't this." Charlotte holds my hand, begging me to come with her.

"Do not worry. I will only do what needs to be done." I let go of her hand and calm her worried sanity.

"Just promise me you won't do anything crazy alright?" Before leaving, Charlotte taps my shoulder and halts me for a while.

I respond with a nod and continue my way out of the control center. We took the opposite directions, wherein I went to the left while Charlotte goes to the right.

Perhaps today I will settle things with my former father. I shall teach him a lesson that will be deeply rooted in his sanity.

"Stop right there! Arcanine, use Flame Wheel!"

"Ninetales, use Fire blast!"

Me and two other PGC troops cross paths. Two against one doesn't seem fair, but I can handle it.

"Absol use Quick Attack!" I throw her Pokeball to the sky. She then dodges and attacks the two foes with maximum swiftness.

"Kirlia, deploy! Use Confusion on these men!" Kirlia goes out of her Pokeball and leaps into action. In a blink of an eye, the troops are confused and they start to hit themselves.

I then continue my way through the halls of the tower. As much as possible, I try to avoid those paths which contain launched smoke grenades, or perhaps something far painful to the eyes, tear gas.

"Arbok, ready for action! Use Poison Needle!"

"Absol, you know what to do, use Shadow Claw!"

On the fifth floor of the tower, I came across another troop. With the slash in the eye, Arbok quickly collapses to the ground. I then push the troop over and continue my walk to no other than my former father.

"Alright Kirlia, use Psybeam!"

"Sneasel, use Bite!"

The two Pokemons run closer to clash unto one another, they suddenly halted for a while after realizing each other. Due to my overprotective attitude, I accidently commanded Absol to attack Xavier's Pokeball.

"Luna?!" Xavier utters after seeing me. He then rushes closer to me.

"Xavier. You startled me." I exhale deeply and utter with shock. Never would I expect to see him in the middle of an outraging siege.

"Where have you been?! Have you seen Charlotte?" He questions at a rapid pace.

"Charlotte is in Giovanni's room. You should head there."

"And... what about you? Where do you think you're going?" Xavier lifts one of his eyebrows and queries me with suspicion.

"I have some business to take care of. Don't mind me." With a quick pace, I respond. From there, me and Xavier runs parallel to each other's direction.

"Stay safe, and don't get yourself captured. The police are starting to arrest people in the lobby." He taps my shoulder and halts me for a while. How nice of him to tell me to stay safe.

"I have my ways," I utter with certainty.

Without a moment to waste, I and my Pokemons continue our way out of the corridor. We knock out anyone who dares to stand in our way or dares to oppose me. All of them met defeat.

On the bridge made out of pristine glass which connects the east wing from the west wing of the tower, I encounter the person I wanted to see. My former father.

The two of us halt after seeing each other. We both scowled malevolently then walk with a subtle pace. Behind him are some of his men, excited to see their leader fight. On the other hand, Team Rocket grunts watched and observed me from my back. Both parties cheered for their member, as the raid intensifies. This will be a match that neither I nor him would never forget. A battle between the daughter and her father, a battle between Team Rocket and the Pokemon Government Council.