EPISODE 80: Recall*

In the helicopter, I stare out to the window, thinking about the words of the secretary and pillars. "No matter what the circumstances are..." These words echo unto the chambers of my mind. My mind start to contradict each other. A part of me is telling me to forget about my secret role, that's if, the incident occurs. The other part, however, is telling me to forget about their statements and accomplish the missions with the rest of the squadron.

"Luna, what did the secretary and the pillar leaders tell you?" Charlotte queries with curiosity after noticing my frown.

"I... I'd rather not tell." I respond with a stuttering voice, continuing to look down on our approaching destination.

"Come on! You can tell me, please. I won't tell anyone." With her baby-doll eyes, Charlotte begs with eagerness.

"Perhaps you know the meaning of secret?"

"Well, this is my first time to hear you say something extremely sarcastic. What did the pillars tell you?" Charlotte persists, forcing me to reveal the answer. I then look unto every one, they seem to be distracted with their own agendas, even Xavier and his Pokemons are.

"Ok, just a small glimpse." I sigh and fall under Charlotte's cute charm again. Slowly and surely, while no one is looking, I show the object the pillars gave me.

"A p-" Due to surprise, she starts to yell, almost revealing to everyone about the object.

"Hsh!" I cover her mouth in a blitz.

"Luna, why did they give you that?! And please, don't ever use that object." She questions me with a panicking tone.

"It's just in case if something wrong happens or if I need to use it on the trainer."

"The trainer?! This is treason, you'll be an idiot if you do so." Charlotte exaggerates but with a low voice in order not to gather the attention of the rest of the squadron.

"I must. If something wrong happens for not only does it prove my loyalty to Giovanni, but it can also stop me from getting distracted.

I promised myself, no one will stand in Giovanni's path, and no one is an exception." I murmur, trying my best not to shed a tear.

"You're not after the trainer aren't you? And just because of loyalty, you're willing to take the task? I think that is relatively absurd.

Do you think you can forget your past by doing such a thing? It will only return frequently than before. Don't do it, even if it means being fired from Team Rocket."

"The first time I saw Giovanni, he told me about his ambitions. And I believe he is right, everyone must make a sacrifice in order to obtain what they want. He said, that we have a small price to pay for salvation.

I knew this day would come, and it's my turn to make the sacrifice." Charlotte remains speechless and leans back to her chair.

"Ok then, just remember that regrets are in the end. I've warned you, and you still won't listen to me. You've changed since the first time we met.

I thought you were different, but it turns out you're the same with everyone. You may be a timid girl, but I believe integrity does not flow in your vessels.

Suit yourself, it's your decision, not mine." Looking at the opposite direction, Charlotte mutters with a solemn tone.

I stopped the conversation, and look unto the window instead. Two hours have passed, and the helicopter finally descends to Saffron City. The citizens watch us, with a worried and nervous look.

One of those citizens was no other than the gym leader, Sabrina. The gym leader who told me to do the opposite of what I did. Obviously, she saw my face, but didn't dare to go closer.

I also took a glimpse at her. She has the looks of a person with pity and sympathy. Although, there is one thing in common between our looks, both of us are scared for we did not want to fight each other.

"You never told me that this is your home." Charlotte drags my shirt and points to the Saffron Orphanage.

"Will you please stop!" I suddenly enrage.

"Now I understand what you meant by distraction huh. I bet your mother is there, why don't you go say hi to her. She probably misses her daughter." Charlotte suggests but I respond with ignorance and continue to my walk to the facility.

"Ok, you're a lot of things, but being a snob isn't one of them. She's your mother Luna, you should go see her." Charlotte suggests once more but I persist to respond with ignorance.

Seeing the orphanage, I remember all the laughter and fun I had with Jenny. I want to shed a tear, but I must focus on my own path. Returning to the orphanage is just like returning to past, and if I do so, I will be the same girl who has dysphemia.