EPISODE 82: Realize*

Smoke, yes. It is the only essence which our eyes could see inside this vast facility of the Silph Company. It symbolizes the battles which took place moments ago, during the time when a trainer infiltrated our operations here.

Red, the name of the trainer dreaded by every Team Rocket grunt. Surprisingly, his only child with a mere age of ten yet has the power to take down a whole organization. Perhaps his Pokemons are trained in a genuine manner.

As everyone searches for the boy, the three of us decide to head to the Control Center instead since that's where the cameras are. Through the CCTVs, perhaps we could pinpoint the trainer's location.

This is a vast facility with more than a dozen floors. Each bearing maze-like walls and compartments for employees and workers alike.

"So this is how he looks like..." Softly, Xavier murmurs, observing the trainer's every movement. From Camera b4, it looks like he's battling another grunt.

"A dragon and flying type Pokemon? No wonder why every grunt loses to him." Charlotte starts to worry, just by seeing the looks of a vicious winged creature.

"That's no dragon type. It's a fire and flying type but I am certain it could learn dragon type moves as well such as Dragon Claw and Dragon Rage." Xavier corrects.

"What floor?" I query with a serious expression, ready to attack the foe.

"Are you insane?! This is a Pokemon Trainer we're talking about, you're no match against him. The only thing we could do is to outmaneuver him, get to Giovanni, and obtain the Master Ball." And once more, for some odd reason, Xavier's bossy nature appears.

"Doesn't mean he's a trainer he doesn't lose."

"Pfft 12th floor. Suit yourself, go and chase after him if you wish to, me, and Charlotte will be outmaneuvering him." Xavier says in a sarcastic tone but I respond back with seriousness by literally doing what his words tell me to do. I leave the room, and head straight to the floor he's in.

"I guess she really did it," Xavier says and gazes, watching me leave the room.

"I don't like where this is heading." Charlotte murmurs. She could no longer handle the stress and pressure so she decides to seat down by the corner, leaning on the metal frame of the room.

"What do you mean?" Xavier queries.

"You don't know? The Pillars assigned Luna on a secret mission. They gave her an object which would help ease out her mission." With a traumatic voice, Charlotte leaks the details which I told her not to.

"A secret mission, no wonder why she looks suspicious back in the helicopter. What kind of precise object are you talking about?"

"I'd rather keep silent." Charlotte mumbles.

Out of nowhere, the alarms start to flicker with a red hue. They then look to the CCTV with the heart of fret to observe the happening scenarios.

"Zoom, camera a2," Xavier instructs, examining the looks of a peculiar woman. Being a Neuro Agent, Charlotte was able to do Xavier's instructions in a blitz.

"Athena?" Xavier utters the label written on the side of the woman's jacket. They then look to the other CCTVs only to see Magnus, Finn, Titus, Miriam, Magnolia, Jenny, and Sabrina infiltrating the facility as well.

"Athena, wait... that's Luna's mother." Charlotte recalls, trying to take a closer look at my mother's image.

"The first time I saw Giovanni, he told me about his ambitions. And I believe he is right, everyone must make a sacrifice in order to obtain what they want. He said, that we have a small price to pay for salvation.

I knew this day would come, and it's my turn to make the sacrifice." Charlotte then recalls my words and notices something strange about it.

"I... I have to stop her." Charlotte's voice stutters after realizing something peculiar about my words. She rushes out of the room, but Xavier halts her by pulling her hand.

"Where do you think you're going?!" Xavier questions.

"I have to find Luna."

"Then, I'm coming with you, it looks like Red isn't the only trainer lurking within the facility." Xavier volunteers. In response, Charlotte nods her head and continues to rush out of the room with Xavier.

"We have to keep Luna out of sight as much as possible," Charlotte says.

"What for? Can you tell me what you're talking about?" Xavier pleads for an answer.

"Not now! It's a long story, which either has a good or bad end to it depending on Luna's action." Charlotte says as she gasps for air.

On the twelve floor, as expected, I see the trainer and his winged-beast. On his grasps, he holds the Master Ball. A type of Pokeball that has the capability to capture any Pokemon indeed.

He was about to escape through the gap in the walls when I suddenly interrupted him. Now, both of us glare with a crimson passion as we await to see who will make the first move.