EPISODE 87: Imprisonment*

Done, the task is finally done and the only thing I could do is to move on. Seeing the headmaster die in front of her eyes, I am certain Jenny will take her revenge on me but when that time comes, I will be prepared.

As for the Master Four, they are now held captive, which means they're our prisoners. I did not want this to happen, but if it is for the sake of the world and the organization, I would do anything.

"You killed your mother. Why?" Back at the cafeteria while eating our lunch, Charlotte decides to ask a peculiar question.

"So no one will no longer force me to return, and so I could prove my loyalty and devotion to Giovanni," I reply and try to forget my past actions so I could move forward.

"She's your mother Luna,"

Hearing her words, I then realize about my former mother. The Pokemon Government Council is still alive, and the only way to crumble it is through ending my former mother.

"Hey, I have an idea." My eyes gleam after realizing the perfect plan.

"Huh, what is it this time?" Charlotte sighs and leans her head back to the chair.

"Can you help me take down the Pokemon Government Council, a secret mission for me and you," I suggest with eagerness for the plan to commence.

"Here we go again. Don't be too overconfident. You can't take down an organization in one blow.

If I were you, I would depend less on your aggression and focus more on what Giovanni instructs."

"Who cares about that, Giovanni will surely be pleased one he hears that the PGC has finally fallen.

Please Charlotte, please abide by my suggestion." I lean forwards to the table and continue to beg with gleaming eyes.

"No. I'm not risking my life, you can probably do it at your own right?" Charlotte utters in a sarcastic manner, and once again I took her words seriously.

After our break period, I then decide to visit the four Masters. It's been a long time since I've talked to them. I wonder how our conversation will go today?

Below the tower, specifically, the basement is where you can find the Rocket Prison. Instead of using bars, however, we use hard glass that not even a Pokemon Move could shatter it apart.

"Look, who has come to bargain with prisoners." Finn claps his hand slowly while uttering his words in a sarcastic manner. He then leans his body to the glass with eyes glaring ferociously.

"I am not here to bargain," I respond and face the Master Four.

"You've murdered two of our friends yesterday yet you dare to show your presence to us?" Titus infuriates as he punches the glass with his muscular body.

"Am I to be blamed for the death of Magnus? The last time I checked, he was the one who jumped off the bridge.

As for my mother, there's nothing the four of you can do about it, what's done is done."

"And I do hope you know what you're saying." Magnolia interrupts. Even inside a prison cell, she remains and utters with calmness.

"I am aware of my words, and whatever I say, will be done. This will only be momentarily for once Giovanni achieves his grandest desire, only then will you understand.

I am off to the Pokemon Government Council, specifically their headquarters. I will burn them to the ground and leave terror upon their eyes. Once they fall, Team Rocket will be able to succeed."

"Absurd, you can't catch Mewtwo without a Master Ball." Titus slurs.

"That's why we're creating our own with the help of our leading Neuro Pillar, Arlo. If there's a will, there's a way." These are my last words to them before leaving the prison.

I then return to my room to prepare for the mission I've set upon myself. Mainly, I have two targets. One is to perhaps capture Professor Violet, and the other is to capture my former mother.

As for the rest, I care less. Let them live to regret their own decision, for this is the purpose set upon me. I've read books pertaining to these kinds of scenarios. A man can take down an organization by himself that's if the power of critical thinking remains intact to his mind.

I trust my Pokemons, especially Absol. If I remember correctly, the Pokemon Government Council is filled with modern technology. Perhaps by detonating one, it can detonate the rest.

Once everything is prepared with me wearing my jacket to hide the Rocket Logo from the public, I then look at the mirror for one last time.

I touch my scar, and that is when I remember those who've wronged me, especially Morduk, the man who caused this scar on my left eye. This is the perfect opportunity, to claim my vengeance.