EPISODE 92: Innocence!*

Sitting on a bench at a cafeteria, Charlotte spews water to my face after I told her about Giovanni's mission for me. I also showed her the microchip and the Rocket Master Ball.

"Solo mission?!" Charlotte leans her head forwards with awe. Her eyes glimmer with light, wishing that she is me.

"I don't feel comfortable about it." Looking at the table, I murmur in a soft voice.

"And why is that? You should be lucky that you've earned Giovanni's trust. There is no need to be scared, I'll cheer you on!" Charlotte lights a fire under my feet.

Our lunch period continues when unexpectedly, our attention is then grabbed by Matori's peculiar actions. In a subtle pace, she seems to be walking but with an observant look.

"Matori is at it again." Charlotte sighs.

Her actions have piqued my interest, giving me a sudden eagerness to stalk her again. Gladly, Charlotte and I are on the same team.

With a steady stance, we follow the secretary. For some odd reason, she's leading herself to the prison chambers of the tower. Now we wonder, for what cause?

Matori keeps her subtle posture, passing through the four masters. She then stops in front of Professor Violet's compartment with a scowl on her look. She sits on a chair and begins to talk through a mic that is connected to a speaker inside the cell. Of course, the prisoner also has a mic which can only be used during interviews.

Behind the door is where the eavesdropping begins. As expected, the professor and the secretary have a plan of their own which the eyes of Giovanni could not see.

"You're a failure." Matori insults.

In response, Violet chuckles in a sadistic manner as if she is a woman in a crazed state. With her fists, she bangs the glass, releasing all her anger.

"You've injected the virus to yourself didn't you?" Matori suspects.

"Wait, the secretary knows about the PGC's works?" Charlotte murmurs in a shocked manner.

"Who the hell cares? Don't tell me you care about me." Violet responds and continues to whack the glass in a crazed state. It scares the hell of me and Charlotte for she acts like a humanoid zombie.

"You know what the virus does to humans and yet you injected it to your body? Are you in a suicide mission or something?"

"The general wants me to do such a thing. She believes in a term called immortality, so we've decided to do some human-trials with the virus.

But look at me now, I'm nothing but a mentally ill woman." Violet starts to growl in a peculiar manner. She continues to punch the glass in a vicious way.

"Humanity has failed science once more, and now we have no choice but to suffer the consequences. Argh!" Violet's growl intensifies, continuing to scare me and Charlotte. Three minutes later, her eyes start to twitch in an abnormal manner.

"What have you brought upon this world you little prick?! This is not the work of the Pokevirus isn't it? Answer me!" Matori stands from her chair and slams the table with anger.

"It is the work of the Pokevirus. And now, I am nothing but a little turd. There's nothing I can do know, I was right all along, the virus is a poison to humanity." Violet murmurs, and calms her intensity.

Her mouth then starts to spew out a white bubble substance. How strange, the last time I've checked she seems fine back in the headquarters.

Professor Violet drops the ground as her body trembles like a zombie. The three of us glance at her, and when the time strikes the tenth second, the trembling stops, and her lips start to turn purple.

"This is Matori, Prisoner 5 is now dead. I repeat, prisoner five is now dead." Matori then contacts the control center to report the happenings.

After Matori leaves the room, me and Charlotte decide to take a closer look at the dead professor. Was she the first victim of a new disease outbreak due to the filthy works of the once lurking council?

"I think she's sick." Charlotte guesses, staring into the glass and pondering on the dead professor.

We continue to stare at her when suddenly her body disperses into thin air. Me and Charlotte are in alarm. The professor was toying with the secretary all along.

"What the hell? She's a holographic projection?" Charlotte questions.

"Which means everything she told to the secretary is a lie. I did not seize the professor but her holographic clone."

"So in general..."

"The Pokemon Government Council still has a chance to rise. It's only a matter of time when the real and mischievous professor will show herself once more.

Once she does, I will end her for good." I mumble in a soft voice, with my fists clenched. We then leave the prison to return to our daily agendas.

Sneaky and clever just like a mouse. Holographic Cloning? Such a smart move, but I'll surely make the last laughter. For now, the Council has a chance to rise, the question is, when and how.

Where is... the professor?