EPISODE 94: Cerulean Cave*

The time is past breakfast, and I've been departed to the Cerulean Cave. It is a cave system filled with winding intersections which could lead to further maze-like situations.

From the name itself, Cerulean Cave is just beside Cerulean City, the city wherein one of the Kanto's infamous gym leader lives, Misty.

Today, I am not after her gym, but after the strongest Pokemon in the world. Prepare Mewtwo, for I am coming to get you.

I take my first steps into the cave filled with darkness and gloom. My voice and footsteps echo in its chamber, and my ears can hear the sounds of water dripping and oozing down sharp rocks.

However, with my handy flashlight, I am able to see things clearly but only is a short distance. Now, the only thing to do is to find where Mewtwo is lurking.

Minutes have passed, and it seems everything is going according to plan. So far, I have not seen any intersections and forks in my way, but I did encounter a whole bunch of Zubats and Golbats. Primarily because Zubats and Golbats are the only bat-like creatures living in this region.

On the edge of the straight path is what I dread. Two paths, either leading me further from my target or closer. I halt for a moment, to figure things properly and not dash like an ignoramus.

With my eyes, I evaluate the two directions. I then came up with a profound idea. This one will surely work.

"Absol! Come out, sniff the two paths." I toss her out and instruct. Without another moment to waste, Absol sniffs the paths, bringing two results.

She sneezed on the first path, meaning there are Pokemon follicles nearby. And of course, Diglets are the only ground type with follicles and whiskers.

On the second path, Absol seems pretty normal, no sneeze, and no cough. This has proven my theory that there are lesser Pokemons in the second path rather than the first path.

In response to her actions, I smile and pat her head to show my gratitude. With everything all set, I make my way through the hollow path with my guard up in case there are wild Pokemons such as Onix which do not have hairs or even scents at all.

For the next two hours, I continue my walk. The further I go, the lesser oxygen my lungs can grasp upon. This gives me the conclusion that I'm heading deeper into the ground.

A spark of hope, after seeing a cavern on the end of the path. Finally, I could stop by for a moment in order to eat my lunch. And also, thanks to Charlotte's tutorials, purifying underground water will be a breeze for me.

On a sturdy rock is where I sit. I then release all of my Pokemons. From there, I first take out a can of Pokemon Food, which the four of them will be sharing. Me? I'll be eating a can of beans that could satisfy my belly for about three more hours since beans are heavy to the stomach.

Slimy yet satisfying beans are, this is one factor why I love canned beans so much. After having my lunch break, I lean across a jagged boulder and rest for a moment.

During that moment, an image strikes me, the image of my mother. For some reason, I feel the sensation of guilt, however, I pursue to forget my previous actions. The memory I had with my mother caused a tear to drip off my eyes.

"Forget it, Luna." With a soft voice, I encourage those words to myself, hoping to forget everything that has happened. The longer the memory stays in mind, the more tears drop to the point it has gathered the attention of my Pokemons.

With a warm-heart, Absol, Lily, Mawile, and Kirlia cuddled me tightly, easing my guilt. Their cuddle gave me warmth, and affection, and in return, I cuddled them back.

I am lucky to have a Pokemon like them. Without them, all those deep nights will always be filled with tears and sorrows.

The moment of affection is suddenly disrupted as a large shard from above suddenly declines towards me. I wasn't able to react quickly, but Absol pushed me just in time. However, the price to pay was her leg.

After being pushed, the shard falls unto Absol's leg, puncturing it gravely. With immediate action, my heart pumps harder as I start to aid her.

Curious I am for I have found a hook inside the shard. I then look to my surroundings, but nothing seems to be suspicious.

If there's a hook... then that means I am not alone inside the cave. Someone or something is stalking me, but who or what is the question.

Absol mourns in pain as the blood from her leg ooze out.

"Stay calm Absol, Mawile please bring me the super potion," I instruct, wrapping her with solace.

Mawile responds rapidly and scours my bag for the medicine. Meanwhile, Kirlia and Lily try to comfort the screaming Absol.

With the super potion finally given to me, I then spray it unto Absol's wound. It soars, her wound soars due to the bitterness of the potion. However, she must bear it.

After spraying the potion, Kirlia gives me a damp cloth for me to wipe the wound. Again, Absol moans as the whiteness of the cloth turn into crimson red.

Lastly, I wrap her wounded leg with a bandage and kept her inside her Pokemon for now. I am left with a disadvantage for my dark type Pokemon who is extremely effective against Mewtwo is temporarily unable to fight.

"Lily, Mawile, Kirlia, I will be counting on you later since Absol is injured and can no longer fight for now. Please do your best." I utter with conviction, lifting their determination.

Things start to worsen when a bullet misses me by an inch and hits the cavern walls. I became alert and made the decision to leave with my Pokemons before somebody assassinates me.

"What the hell, I thought I was in a solo mission?!" I complain while running, looking back and forth to see if anyone was chasing me.

In a safe location, I try to contact headquarters but the signal was too weak. I guess I have now choice but to fight whoever is trying to fight me. Perhaps professor Violet has come to bargain again...