EPISODE 105: Abandon!*

As fast as possible, I dash like a Rapidash before scenarios turn into something much terrible than before. With the three elites defeated, only one remains, and my heart is filled with courage in order to defeat Lance, the Dragon Master. I am not afraid of his Dragonite, nor will I get intimidated by it.

On my way to Giovanni's room, I meet an unexpected person. He has a black coat, black fedora, and eyes that are trying to avoid itself from shedding a tear. I halt for a moment, pondering at the peculiar looks this man has to offer. In a subtle pace, he walks. Even if he sees me, he somewhat ignores, continuing to walk down the hall.

"G... Giovanni?!" I query, realizing the looks of the man is no other than Giovanni. I question him with a stuttering voice, in order to gather his attention.

"What do you want?" Giovanni murmurs like a snobbish man while looking into the abyss of the hallways.

"What happened?! Where's Mewtwo? Where's Charlotte?!" I query with a worried look, wondering what he's doing in the halls with everyone inside his room.

"Forget them. Come with me instead." Giovanni continues to murmur, convincing me with an encouraging voice.

"Forget them?! What happened?"

"Team Rocket has fallen and I have lost control over the strongest Pokemon, Mewtwo. Without it, the world is nothing." Giovanni explains in a soft voice, facing my parallel direction, and wiping off a shed of tear from his eyes.

"Are... Are you abandoning your own organization?" I question, wishing that the answer is a no. This couldn't be true, he must be plotting another scheme.

"When did I say such a thing? What would Team Rocket think of me if I abandon them? I am merely leaving for a moment, in order to find more men." Giovanni replies.

"F... Find more men?!"

"Yes. I believe, with only a few members, there will always be someone stronger than us. My... My defeat against Lance has proven it. Come with me Luna, and together we will build a better Team Rocket. No one will stand in our path." Giovanni tilts to me, extending his hand forward. I then pause to think for a while.

"No. I'd rather stay and fight," I respond, thinking about Charlotte and Xavier.

"I have no right to force you, thus I believe this is where we part ways, momentarily. Mark my words Luna Evergreen, I shall return." Giovanni murmurs, places back his fedora on his head, and continues his walk out of his own building.

Me? I was left speechless by his actions. I do not know, if this is an excuse for abandonment or if his words are true and pure. One thing is for sure, this won't be my last time to see Giovanni. With him gone, I snap back to reality and remembered that Charlotte and Xavier are still in trouble. I then continue my way to Giovanni's abode.

"Raticate use Slash!"

"Arbok, Super Fang!"

"Clefable, use Meteor Mash!"

"Graveler, Roll Out!"

Inside the room, another bloody battle occurs between the grunts and Lance's Dragonite. Meanwhile, Lance can be found on the corner of the room, removing the armor from Mewtwo. With a sudden dash through the door, I interrupt, staring unto the scenarios happening around me.

On my left, I see Charlotte, aiding Xavier's wounds. On my right, I see grunts, wherein some of them have lost consciousness after receiving defeat from Lance's Dragonite. With a yell, I capture Lance's attention, glaring unto his eyes.

"Leave Mewtwo! It belongs to us." I shout.

"So, you're the woman everyone fears." Lance mumbles, tilting his head to me.

"I will bathe this tower with your blood in order to pay for the actions you have done to our boss!" I shout in an aggressive manner.

"Know... Know who you are talking to young woman." With a smirk, Lance mumbles once more, seemingly calm no matter how tough my voice is.

"I care not about your title. They may fear me, but I fear no one. I am Luna Evergreen, and I won't let anyone be the cause of Team Rocket's fall!"

"Persistent little woman. Your boss is a traitor." Lance chuckles.

"Our Boss left us for a reason. Soon, Team Rocket will rise with the colors of the rainbow, and no one will stand in our path. I am Luna Evergreen, surrender now or prepare to fight!" I yell ferociously.

"Colors of the rainbow?" Lance pauses then chuckles. He then continues, "That is an absurd metaphor. Am I to believe a young woman?"

From above, Dragonite dashes and blocks Lance. It then glares with malice, warning me with its facial expression. On the other hand, I prepare to fight and save the whole of Team Rocket. Once he loses, he will regret his very decision to exist and challenge me.