EPISODE 6: Rising Suspicion!*

Midday, three in the afternoon at the city of Goldenrod is where the headquarters of the Pokemon Police Department of the Johto Branch is located. On the center of their building lies a room where board meetings and conferences held, today another one will commence after a rising suspicion occurred within the region of Johto.

Inside the room, officers of different rankings throw opinions and reports at each other, trying earnestly to gather the attention of each and every one of them to the point they could no longer understand and comprehend their own statements due to the brash atmosphere inside the room.

Conflicting against each other's statements, their cooperation crumbles, producing noise instead of operations and plans. The door of the room then opens, gathering the attention of every officer, even the low ranking ones. From there, the detective enters walks at a smooth pace to his chair on the very front.

Upon sitting, an officer hands him his daily dosage of midday brew. He then takes a sip and begins to query. "What happened this time?"

"Detective, we have received reports about an unknown aircraft lurking in the skies of the Johto Region." An officer explains.

"Unknown aircraft? If what you say is true, shouldn't we be able to see the vehicle floating above our heads?" Another officer counters in a sarcastic manner, giving laughter to those who've heard it except for Jenny and the detective.

"Not quite. Perhaps it is invisible to one's eye." Jenny assumes, countering the sarcastic officer.

"Invisible? I have never heard of such technology." The sarcastic officer counters back again.

"With the use of mirrors. The aircraft is coated with transparent mirrors, thus it reflects the skies, keeping it out of sight from our eyes." Jenny explains, leaving the officer silent.

"Knowing the reason behind its invisibility is not the question. The question is, who or what is operating it? Is the aircraft a threat?" The detective interrupts.

"A new criminal organization perhaps? There have been sightings of unusual activities happening around Johto, and this isn't Team Rocket since as we all know, they've disbanded." Another officer suggests.

"That is what I thought too, however, we were proven wrong. The Cherrygrove branch has been infiltrated by one of their leading agents, Luna Evergreen. She has knocked down all seven officers who were assigned to guard the prisoners.

Also, the Kanto Branch of the PPD has been destroyed by a raid. According to a captured grunt, the executives of Team Rocket are behind this. They plan to rise by rescuing their members which were held captive by us." The detective doubts.

"Then, that means the Johto Region is facing two threats? One from Team Rocket and the other from an unknown organization?" An officer queries.

"Unknown organization? We still don't know if the aircraft serves as a threat since according to witnesses, they've only seen the vehicle, shifting to an invisible state."

"Why would they shift to an invisible state in the first place? The only thing I could think of is they're trying to plot a scheme of some sort since witnesses have seen the aircraft in a visible state. They wouldn't turn invisible for no purpose at all, wouldn't they?" Jenny expresses her opinion, impressing the other officers because of her great observation skills.

"So, detective... Looker? What will be your decision?" The officer seating beside Jenny queries. Hearing the question, the rest of the officers look to the detective, who apparently has a code name called Looker. Silently, they waited for his decision.

Detective Looker takes a sip from his midday brew and begins to explain the Pokemon Police Department's next moves to counter the two uprising organizations, wherein one of them is unfamiliar to them nor to our organization.

"Officer Jenny has a point, the aircraft wouldn't be invisible without any purpose. As chief and detective of the Pokemon Police Department, I hereby classify the unknown aircraft as a threat to the region, however, if proven innocent, it will be erased from the list.

For now, more investigations must be done towards this unknown aircraft in order to prove Jenny's words about a rising organization. Since, as officers and police, we cannot merely base our conclusions on hearsay and gossips. As for Team Rocket, the only thing we can do is to find out more about their executives and capture them instantly before they further ransack our other branches." The detective explains. Hearing his words, without a doubt, every single officer, including my friend Jenny raised their hand, concurring to the detective's proposal.

"The fate of Johto, rests in the palm of our hands." The detective adds.

A rising suspicion it is, behind this mysterious aircraft. Although, this is no ordinary aircraft for it can enter an invisible state within seconds. Could this vehicle belong to a rising organization, or perhaps, this is something entirely different? If it is, an organization, could this be the start of a new bloody war between them and our organization?