EPISODE 8: Favor!*

Upon arrival, we are met by Executive Petrel and Professor Olive with a smile on their faces on the penthouse. They seem to be glad and pleased after seeing me succeed on my first mission as an elite operative of Team Rocket.

"You have succeeded, well done." Professor Olive smiles in a jolly manner, clapping her hands rapidly.

"As for Virgo, I am one of the four executives of Team Rocket. My name is Petrel, glad to meet you." Petrel introduces, shaking Virgo's left hand kindly. In return, Virgo smirks back. We then walk to the indoors of the tower, wherein as expected, Virgo almost stumbled across the lump dividing the penthouse from the main tower.

"Sorry." With an embarrassed smile, Virgo quickly stands on her feet, trying to forget such clumsy actions.

"By the way, Luna. I've figured that it's probably for the best to make Virgo your roommate since we're running low on rooms due to the other Kanto Grunts who were rescued." Petrel suggests.

"Really?! I agree!" Virgo responds with exuberance.

"It is fine with me," I add, chuckling back at her.

"Great. So, Virgo, how many Pokemons do you have?" Professor Olive queries as we continue our walk through the halls.

"Me? I only have one and that is, of course, my cuddly Teddiursa." Virgo replies.

"Cuddly Teddiursa? No wonder why you're a one-star agent. Perhaps you need a stronger Pokemon." Petrel looks back to Virgo, suggesting an opinion.

"No thanks, Teddiursa is like a sister to me." Virgo politely declines.

"Petrel, if I may, Teddiursa is quite a decent Pokemon with good statistic results based on my research last year. I'd suggest Virgo to train it instead in order for it to grow not only stronger but also closer to its trainer." Professor Olive counters politely, defending Petrel's words.

"Perhaps you're right. Any weak Pokemon can be converted into a strong one anyway. However, with only one Pokemon, I could not allow Virgo to take on any missions, that's if, she wants to be captured again. I'll be heading to the other executives. The three of you can take a break, especially Luna, you've worked hard already." We halt in the middle of an intersection. Petrel then utters, and leaves the three of us.

"No missions?! That is quite boring to me." Virgo utters in disappointment.

"Hmm, let me ask you, Virgo, do you really wish to participate in other missions?" Professor Olive interviews.

"Of course I do! Team Rocket is the only family I have..." She beams with determination but then pauses and inhales. She then continues in a sad tone, "... after my father's death."

"If that is the case, then I'd suggest that you go to New Bark Town."

"New Bark Town?!" The both of us query, tilting our heads to the side like confused dogs.

"Yes! New Bark Town is a small neighborhood on the eastern reaches of Johto. I have a colleague there. His name is Professor Elm. As a professor, his duty is to give starter Pokemons to trainers, perhaps you can claim one too.

All you have to say is that I've sent you there and Elm will automatically recognize me. To be honest, the two of us were classmates back in grade school and high school." Olive suggests, somewhat day-dreaming about the said professor.

"Professor Elm? Sounds familiar to me." Virgo mumbles, thinking deeply.

"Johto trainers can either choose from these three Pokemons, Cyndaquil the fire type, Chikorita the grass type, and of course, Totodile the water type. I don't want to leave you without receiving any missions further on so I've decided that perhaps by claiming a starter Pokemon, Petrel will allow you to participate in other missions in the future." Olive adds.

"That seems like a great opportunity. Luna, will you go with me?" Virgo then tilts her head to me, begging earnestly.

"Me? But I just got here, and I'm feeling a bit drowsy." I excuse.

"Please Luna, it'll only be for a minute or two. I will return the favor someday. You have my word." She continues to plead, forcing me to come while the professor watches us like a mother watching over two children.

"If I were you, Luna, I would come with Virgo. Who knows what you'll encounter there?" Olive interrupts, suggesting me to come with Virgo.

With enough persuasion, I finally said yes, letting off a soft sigh. I wanted to test how comfortable the bed was today, but it looks like that will have to wait much longer. Hearing my simple reply, "yes", Virgo immediately bursts with excitement. She could no longer think of anything except for the starter Pokemon she'll be choosing.

"Professor Olive, you're a professor too right? Does that mean you can be the one to give the starter?" I inquire.

"Not quite. Being a professor, I am more devoted to studying and researching. I am a woman with a curious mind, therefore I can't sleep unless my questions are left unanswered. Due to my devotion, I lack the time to give starters." Olive explains.

"What about the other professors of Team Rocket? Do they give starters as well?" Virgo queries furthermore.

"I am uncertain since I rarely hang out with the other professors. Anyway, that reminds me, I still have to continue my research on the weather mirages. I'll be going now. Good luck in New Bark Town!" After speaking, she then leaves the two of us in the intersection, returning to the laboratory sector of the tower.

Meanwhile, the two of us proceed back to the helicopter in order to return to the Johto proper. Now my mind is both baffled and curious, which starter will Virgo pick? To be honest, if I were her, I would choose the cute Cydaquil. It's thin eyes grab my attention.