EPISODE 20: Three!*

Today comes my first day off as an agent working with the Johto Branch of Team Rocket. I, Virgo, and Charlotte have planned to explore the city of Violet in order to be relieved from all the stress from missions and operations. As for Xavier, we've asked him if he'd be willing to come with us, but he disagreed and his excuse was because he wasn't feeling well today.

His looks are quite pale, and just by the way he talks, we know he isn't feeling like his normal self. Actually, to be honest, we've decided to make this day special since this is one of Xavier's last days with us before leaving the organization completely, but it looks like his fever changed the course of our schedule.

Back to Violet City, I've noticed Charlotte having a troubled mind. With uneasy eye contact on the ground, she watches her footsteps. Her troubled mind troubles my curiosity causing me to question her.

"Is there... anything wrong?"

"Don't you think Xavier's acting... a bit strange?" Keeping heavy eye contact on the ground, Charlotte responds.

"You seem to be very concerned about Xavier's health. Is there a chance... perhaps you have a likeness to him?" I query, letting off a soft chuckle afterward.

"Of course not!" Charlotte answers quickly, looking at me with a frustrated eyes with her cheeks slightly glowing with a red pigment. Virgo then interrupts with a look of a determined person.

"Charlotte, may I have the honor of battling you?" She pleads, pointing at what seems to be a training center for Pokemons.

"B... Battle?!" Charlotte utters in an overwhelmed voice.

"What's so overwhelming about a battle? Go ahead, accept her challenge." I encourage, siding with Virgo.

"I... I don't know, I came here to explore the city anyways." Charlotte replies, seemingly thinking of an excuse.

"Please, the Violet Training Center is the best place for us to train. You see, I want to impress the executives, thus perhaps by having a battle with a skilled agent, my Pokemons could probably learn a thing or two." Virgo pleads with eagerness.

"Ok..." Charlotte sighs then continues in a boastful manner, "But this will only be a one on one Pokemon match. I'm warning you, I'm quite strong myself."

Xavier has changed our schedule, and now Virgo does, but at least I get to see my two friends fight... in a good way. The Violet Training Center is basically like the Combat Assessment room. One large battlefield, with a referee to judge the match. I merely serve as a spectator, watching the match while grooming Mawile's hair.

"The match between trainer Charlotte and trainer Virgo is about to begin. Each shall use one Pokemon. The battle ends when either side no longer has a Pokemon to battle with." The referee explains, calling Charlotte and Virgo as trainers. They're not official trainers, that's just our title when we're in our casual public attire since we couldn't just say we're agents of Team Rocket.

On the left is where Charlotte stands, on the right is where Virgo stands. Glaring at each other, they are, trying to intimidate. The referee looks at them, and proclaims the match open, instructing to send out their Pokeballs.

"Chikorita, deploy for action!"

"Doduo, side with me!"

They send out their Pokemons. Seeing them makes me excited causing me to nearly squeeze Mawile extremely tightly. This battle will be a show for me, but even until now, I am unsure of who to cheer for since both are my friends after all. Perhaps, I should cheer both of them instead.

"Chikorita, let's show them what we've got! Use Tackle." Virgo makes the first move.

"Counter with Tri Attack!" Charlotte responds to Virgo's move, deciding to counter it.

Doduo's two heads pecks Chikorita the moment before she hits Doduo. Tackle was countered, causing Chikorita to blast back with a body full of scratches. For me, Doduo has quite the advantage since it is more used to battling than Chikorita.

"Chikorita, try using Razor Leaf!"

"Doduo, send those leaves back with Gust!"

How, stunning. Doduo's moves are like a doctor's scalpel, accurate and precise. On the other hand, Chikorita is a novice with a heart as strong as gold, a soul as hard as silver. She has a passion for winning, a drive that continues onward, wherein every scratch is only a path to achieving greatness.

Doduo, despite seeing Chikorita's adorable face, won't give in. It follows the commands of her trainer, proving its loyalty and devotion. Charlotte's Doduo proves that a Pokemon with a strong bond with its trainer will grow up as a loyal one.

Meanwhile, Chikorita's passion for battling proves the Pokemon's eagerness to stand firm amidst the troubling scenarios. She is like a tree, with roots deeply tucked into the ground. Her moves are quite lousy, yet they improve over time, showing the first steps of Chikorita's unbreakable bond with Virgo.

The battle continues for half of an hour until finally, Chikorita gives up, no longer having the capability to stand firm, thus fainting. However, through this battle, she was able to learn a new move known as Synthesis. According to our Pokedex, Synthesis is a move wherein the user absorbs energy from the sun, therefore healing the user's wounds.

Of course, the winner takes the price, and that is something unexpected. Out of the blue, just after the end of the battle, Doduo starts to glow. The three of us were mesmerized by its changing apparel. Finally, after three months, Charlotte's Doduo evolves into Dodrio.

Basically, Dodrio is Doduo except for the fact it has an additional head. Its looks are more cunning than usual, longer beaks, stronger legs, keen eyes, and wings of the finest.

"Thank you for challenging me." Virgo smiles despite the defeat, shaking hands with Charlotte. Nearly squeezing Mawile to death again, I clap my hands rapidly for the both of them. The sun reaches its pinnacle, a sign for us to have our lunch. We were about to bid our greetings to the referee before leaving, however, a knock on the Training Center doors catches our attention.

Who could be outside... Waiting to be revealed.