EPISODE 23: News!*

The people of Rocket Island rejoice after hearing the news of the missing trainer. With Red out of the way, Team Rocket will achieve full glory, and the legends of Johto shall be ours once in for all. For Xavier, the news isn't quite of a big deal to him since he'll be resigning in the first place which in return, gives Charlotte dejection. But it is his choice to resign, and I nor the executives could not do anything about it.

Early in the morning, the scent of petrichor wakes me and Virgo up. The rain has just stopped, bringing a cold atmosphere to the island. Above are clouds colored in light grey. From time to time they move, dispersing from one another so the sun's glory could shine once more.

So far, Professor Olive isn't knocking on our doors, no signs of missions or whatsoever, or perhaps, I'm just being too lazy again because of the cold atmosphere. Upon awakening, the first thing I and Virgo focused on was to groom our Pokemons. We then proceed to the cafeteria in order to eat our breakfast wherein we met Charlotte again.

On the corner of the cafeteria is her, eating alone with her Pokemons. She has the looks of a downhearted person that even her hand trembles while eating. Seeing her lonely, me and Virgo have made the decision to eat with her and perhaps, turn her expression upside down!

"What happened this time?" I sigh, trying to bring back her rambunctious nature. She has truly changed a lot since our first mission together in Viridian City.

"Have Professor Olive told you? Xavier is not feeling right." Charlotte utters in a low tone as she takes a sip from her cup of soup.

"No, but I know Xavier is ill. He only has a fever." I reply.

"Don't you think having a fever for almost a week is mind-boggling? I mean, he told me he's been feeling sick since the attack in Giovanni Industries. Something is definitely not going right with him." Charlotte doubts, taking another sip from her hot soup.

"That reminds me, to what category does Xavier belong to?" Virgo interrupts, asking a question out of the topic.

"Xavier is a Stealth Agent who worked with both of us since me and Luna's first mission. He seems to be snobbish at first, but for some reason, he's quite different right now." Charlotte replies, somewhat day-dreaming about his looks.

"Whatever it is, it is probably just a common flu because of all those stress back in the raid." I assume.

"I've never read a book pertaining to your guess. The last time I checked, the common flue is obtained through cold temperatures." Virgo counters.

"It's just a hunch," I reply back with an embarrassed face. For the whole breakfast period, Charlotte remains downhearted, apparently concerned, I mean, too concerned for Xavier. This raises my suspicion if Charlotte has any likeness to the man who've helped us for merely five times.

Well, I've noticed them hanging out more often since the day they've met. Perhaps Charlotte is unaware of her likeness to Xavier, and of course, as a friend, I'll tend to do some friendly teases and jokes about them. Hoping that a mission would not commence, Professor Olive rushes to the three of us, interrupting our breakfast.

"Luna..." She calls, halting in front of us afterward while gasping for air.

"Professor Olive? Is there anything wrong?" I query.

"I've finally found one out of eight pieces of the puzzle from the page you've obtained back in Violet City. I've also told the executives about this, and they are eager to meet you now." Breathing heavily, Olive explains.

"About us professor? Will we be helping out too?" Charlotte questions with the eagerness to join my mission.

"I'm sorry, but this mission is only for Elite Operative Luna Evergreen. Elites tend to work alone more often." Olive apologizes, still gasping for air.

Momentarily, I am separated from the two of them, participating in another lone mission. With the first piece finally discovered, I could not wait but to take hold of it. Team Rocket has made another step closer to the legends of Johto, and soon, we will once again fulfill Giovanni's dream without the need to acquire Mewtwo.

For Xavier, I did feel a bit worried for him and I was about to meet him today but a mission has changed the course of my schedule. The only thing I could do is to hope Xavier would feel better any time now, perhaps once I return back to the island and before his resignation form is complete. Hopefully, he'll change his mind someday, with his eagerness to compete in missions restored once more.

Success, I could nearly hold it in the palm of my hand. In the first piece, I shall not fail to obtain it.