EPISODE 26: Evergreen vs Stone!*

Lorelei's death shall remain a mystery to everyone for no one has seen it except for me. I know, by hiding my fault I am making a double crime, but if it is for the sake of Team Rocket, then I must. Slowly, I walk to the waterfalls, glancing on Lorelei's crushed body. I thought no one else could disturb me, but perhaps I stand corrected.

I should've left right away, but it looks like my battle with Lorelei is only the prologue to my next problem. Exiting the waterfalls, I am in shock to see a silhouette lurking on the other side. The shape of the silhouette is somewhat familiar to me. The hair is long therefore it is a she, but this might not always be the case. Still, I assume it's a female.

I listen to her footsteps with her Pokemon moving towards the portion I am in. I wonder if whoever it is out there, she's a friend rather than a foe. I make my debut in front of the person, jolting out of the waterfalls before it freezes me to death only to see her.

The same woman who has the bravery to talk with a confident manner towards me back in Violet City. Seeing her and seeing me, makes us both ferocious. It is as though as time stops, a meeting by coincidence. She makes the first move, querying about purpose in the cave. I answer that this is none of her business but she persists to block the exit until her question has been answered.

"I am Ebony Stone of the Rebirth Society, I've heard about you Luna Evergreen." She introduces with a glare on her eyes.

"How did you know about me?" I query in a surprised state.

"Is it not obvious to you? Both you and I are on the watch list of the Pokemon Police Department. You must know, I too am devoted to my party." She chuckles hysterically.

"... Of course, since both of us are somehow similar, devoted to our own organization, the two of us will do anything to give glory to our sides. You're not the only bird of prey, killing for glory." She adds, smirking viciously.

"Since, just like what I've said, we're similar, why don't you join us instead? Be a part of our society. After all, we all want one thing, and that is a life without burdens. Only through the ashes will our glory be achieved. It is not through the darkness but through sacrifice will the light be begotten.

Join us, Luna." Ebony encourages.

"And what do I gain if I join?"

"Rebirth..." She murmurs. She exhales deeply then continues, "In our society, you are reborn and saved for Johto will be too once we hold the legends in our grasps."

"Sorry, but just like what you've said, I'm devoted to Team Rocket. Perhaps we are more different than we thought."

"Sigh... I came here to train with my Pokemons but it looks like you've changed my schedule. If I can't convince you, then I'll force you. Weavile!" She yells in a furious manner, sending out her Pokemon, the evolved form of Sneasel.

"I'm not afraid of your feline Pokemon, if you want to fight then so be it. Mawile, come out!" I accept the challenge, tossing Mawile's Pokeball to the air.

"Who said this was going to be a Pokemon battle? Hehe, wanna know more about me? Then come and find out! Weavile, use Ice Shard!" Distracted by her words, I flinched as I saw the ice shards moving to me rather than Mawile. It struck me like a lightning bolt, nearly turning me to ice. Some of the shards pierced through me, especially in my elbow but I ceased to notice me.

"Ice Beam!" I command, shaking off the ice shards off my body.

"Weavile! Defend with Metal Claw!"

With metal claw, Weavile uses it as a shield by covering its chest with its arms. Mawile's move merely moved the foe by an inch due to friction.

"Mawile, return to your Pokeball," I command, in hopes of substituting Mawile with Absol. However, Ebony Stone uses the opportunity to strike me again. Before unleashing my Absol, she commands Weavile to use Ice Shards. The move not only caused me to hit my back on the icy wall but also perforated my pale skin.

Weavile follows the move with another one, slashing the stalactite above me with Metal Claw. It then falls, to my legs, giving me no opportunity to escape. The pain is so immense it caused me to shriek for death is only nearby.

"Pity. I could save you if you want, but you have to join us first. Think of it, your skill as an agent will go to an organization far more powerful than your current one." She moves closer to me, kneeling in front, murmuring at my ears with a pitiful yet sarcastic manner.

"No," I reply with my lungs breathing heavily. In response, she nods her head and stands up from the ground. She says, "Ok then, I guess your fate will be decided now. It's either you freeze to death or starve to death in this cave alone. As for me, there are a lot more caves to train in, so yeah, Luna Evergreen, this is where we bid our goodbyes." She sends her Pokemon back to its Pokeball and walked out of the cave, leaving me inside the dome of chilliness.

I struggle to survive, trying to push out the large stalactite covering my legs. It was no use, and I was only draining my energy. I could've used my Pokemons however I could not send them out because their Pokeballs splattered out of my belt after I got hit with Ice shard. Now they rest on the very corner of the cave. My hands could not grab them since they are too far to reach.

I try to call out their names, but all that came out from my mouth was frost and powder snow. My voice weakened, turning into a stuttering and brittle one. My hope for survival is nearly impossible. With my body turning paler and trembling because of the coldness of the cave, death awaits me in the corner.

My energy disperses out of my body, and suddenly I lose my consciousness...