EPISODE 51: Cherrygrove!*

"So? You've heard about the tower of Cherrygrove right?" With her eyes on the sky, Xeryll questions, taking small glimpses on the mirror in front of her.

"All I know is, the tower is similar to the Pokemon Tower in Lavender Town. This is my first time to visit a burial site for Pokemons. This will also be my first time to meet ghost types." I reply, thinking of the terrors of ghostly Pokemons. I've read it in the Bulbapedia, most ghost species haunt and terrorize humans, and some are said to even put a curse on them.

"That is right. So, I'd suggest that you remain silent in order not to disturb the harmony of the spirits." She utters sarcastically, letting off a chuckle next.

"Say Xeryll, are ghosts powerful? I've heard of this Pokemon known as Dusknoir, it's one of the most favored ghost types according to the Bulbapedia on the internet."

"I'm not sure. Most trainers prefer it because of its cunning apparel, but if you were to ask me, I'd prefer Gengar over Dusknoir. Why do you seem curious about ghosts? Are you interested in capturing one?"

"Me? Not quite. Ghosts are spooky and frightening for me, definitely not my type."

"Hehe, I see. Anyways, we're in Route 20. Head east and you will reach the city's proper. I'll be waiting over here." Xeryll ceases the vehicle's operation in a patch of grass. She then bids me good luck for my whole mission.

Since I have two main adjectives, the stone, and the piece, I figured it would be better to obtain the easier one first, which is the King's Rock of course. I zip my leather jacket in order to blend with the casual outfits of the public. In this way, no one would know about my identity as an elite operative. I also hid my cap, tucking it inside my bag.

I amber through the streets, to the nearest market center I go. Market stalls lined the route, and I pause for a moment to survey the flamboyant scene and observe the milling throng. Lovers stroll hand in hand, casually browsing, whilst housewives hustle and bustle, and haggle over the price of the exotic fruits and other imported merchandise, with vendors of various nationality.

Powdered spices lay in rust red and dusty yellow piles, or spilled bright green from sacks as large as feed bags. Rich and unfamiliar scents cut through the smell of engines, so heavy I could taste them in my mouth, like the air inside a fabrication greenhouse. Beads of sweat glisten on everyone's forehead and many faces turned red due to the sweltering heat.

"Excuse me, I am trying to find a stone known as the King's Rock. Is there by any chance that you are selling one?" I question to one of the vendors.

"King's Rock? Let's see..." The vendor utters, scrambling his basket for the stone I'm looking for.

"Yes, I have one, and it is the only one left." The vendor replies afterward, showing the look of the stone from his hand. It is shaped like a crown, painted in golden brown. Some of its parts are already corroded but I guess that will surpass Virgo's expectations.

"Neat, I'll take it," I order, showing my money to the vendor.

"Wait a minute. A stone like this is very rare. If you want it, you must trade it for a Dusk Stone." The vendor smiles at me, bargaining.

"A dusk stone for a King's rock? Where do you want me to find that?"

"Oh, you know? Scour the whole market, you'll probably find one. Once you give me a dusk stone, I'll be giving the King's Rock to you. You have my word." The vendor seems promising. His words for me are true.

"Ok then, but that item is already reserved for me."

"Eh, sure. Just hurry, my shop will close in about an hour."

I leave the vendor's stall and search for another one just to acquire another stone for him. Funny how he rejected the money and instead decided to bargain with me. I look through stalls and shops, however, not a single vendor nor bartender was selling the stone the person I've bargained with is looking for.

I return to the shop, telling the vendor all about the news. However, I was shocked to see that the stone has already been sold to a fine gentleman wearing formal clothing. I watched from the distance, seeing the young gentleman leave with the stone on his grasps.

I move closer to the vendor's shop, looking at him angrily, "What in the world?! We had a deal?!"

"Oh my, you're still here?"

"Don't "you're still here" me, why did you sell the stone to the gentleman over there?!" I raise my voice slightly.

"Business is business, and the man had a dusk stone so I offered him the King's Rock. He gladly accepted the trade." He replies sarcastically, making me more ferocious.

"Son of a gun, we had a deal! I reserved that stone first."

"Eh, it's gone now. Quit it, I'm closing my shop."

After stating his last words, I immensely glare at him wanting to attack. I send out Kirlia. With her Psychic move, the vendor's stall burst to the sky, scattering all the other evolutionary stones. As for the vendor, he starts to panic in outrage.

Liligant pops out of her Pokeball, trying to gather my attention. She points to the crowd circling me. The people stared at me in confusion, perhaps they thought I was a retarded woman who escaped from a mental hospital because of my absurd actions.

"Kirlia, return to your Pokeball. You too, Liligant." However, I did not mind their awful stares. I pass the crowd, bumping into their shoulders. If it wasn't for the man's lies, this would've never happened in the first place. Even if I pass through them, they continue to stare at me with their big eyes.

As I stroll out of the market place, I saw the gentleman, and surprisingly, the stone was seen from his pocket. Yes, you know what I did next. I did a little pick-pocketing, but in return, I replaced it with Virgo's money. So, this is just a win-win for both of us. For me, I'd call it secretly buying "stuff without the owner knowing it."

I have brought fear to the eyes of many today, and I feel the same feeling I felt back during the time I've wreaked destruction at the PGC's main headquarters. With the stone with me, only one objective remains. I leave the market place and proceeded to the tower right away.