EPISODE 53: Cursed!*

Upon my arrival at the island, I greet my pilot with a pleasant smile in order to show gratitude for her service. I then walk through the halls wherein I was met with Cliff. Seeing me, he pats my head with a lustrous smile on his face. The two of us then parted ways afterward.

After a long walk through the corridors of the tower, I bequeath the fourth piece to the professor. Excited she is, to learn more about it as Team Rocket takes another close step towards success. Four down, four to go!

On my way out of the professor's lab, I accidentally stumble on the ground. It is as if the air pushed me all of a sudden. I'm pretty sure I was watching my steps, and it's afternoon, so I'm quite not clumsy-feeling today.

"Oh my, Luna? Are you alright?" She asks, helping me stand from the ground.

"Yes, I am professor." I smile with an embarrassed look as I leave the laboratory. "Weird," I utter to myself, wondering why I would stumble down all of a sudden.

Out of nowhere, as I walk back to my room, my hand made the decision to slap me. This wouldn't randomly appear on my mind, nor would I just hurt myself for no reason at all. Why am I acting strange all of a sudden? I make my walk, entering Virgo's room.

Before and after the mission, she's still the same. Seems to me Virgo was reading a whole stack of novels while I was gone. Her bed is like a library, clustered with books and novels. She and her Pokemons are the librarian and the reader. Seeing me enter the room, her excitement starts to rise.

"Is the King's Rock with you?" Virgo leans her head forward from her bed, questioning me about her favor.

"Yes," I reply, bequeathing the stone to her. Her eyes marvel at the stone as if it was her first time to see such valuable and lustrous stone. Its shining glory lulls Virgo to La La land!

"What the?!" I exclaim, stumbling down again for no reason at all. I start to curse towards the wind, blaming it for this unusual actions. My peculiar actions have dragged Virgo's attention, snapping her out of La La Land.

"What happened back there?"

"I don't know, I just tripped all of a sudden. A while ago, I slapped my face for no reason at all, and the moment before that, I stumbled on the professor's door." I complain, frustrated with myself.

"Such a pity. You must've angered the spirits of the ghost Pokemons living in the tower." She chuckles sarcastically.

"Will you stop teasing me? There is no such thing as curses, spells, or things like that."

"My history book says its all true. Books don't lie!" She persists to tease. I stand up from the ground, suddenly dizzy all of a sudden. The next thing I realize is that I banged my head harshly on the wall. Again, I am uncertain of its cause.

"Yeah, you're definitely cursed." Seeing my bump my head, Virgo laughs but avoids doing so as much as possible.

"I'm not cursed! I'm just clumsy all of a sudden."

After a tiring day, I hop back to my bed in order to visit the internet once in a while. I'm probably going to watch some funny videos again, just like what I do before I sleep. It helps my body to relax and stay calm, changing all the other emotions into laughter and humor.

"Funny. The last time I checked, I charged my phone to a hundred percent." I say, seeing the dead battery logo in my Rotom-Phone.

"So, did the ghost curse your phone as well?" Virgo chuckles, teasing me once more.

"Hmph," I reply back with a pouty look.

"Luna! You're back, and you didn't even tell me?" Charlotte interrupts, entering our room after seeing our door opened. The last time I checked, I completely closed our door upon entering.

"Sorry Charlotte, I was a bit busy today." I utter, yawning deeply afterward and placing my phone on my chest.

"A bit busy? That doesn't seem like an excuse, anyway, how was your mission?"

"Luna is cursed," Virgo replies to Charlotte's question instead of me.

"I am not cursed, just- ow!" A sudden spark from my Rotom-Phone electrocutes me out of nowhere. It sends an impulse of electricity, giving the sensation of intolerable pain for me.

"Rotom-Phones don't electrocute people Luna. I think I'll be agreeing with Virgo." Charlotte giggles, siding with Virgo. Now, I have to deal with two teasers only to prove I'm not cursed or haunted.

With frustration, I quickly lift my upper torso, bumping my head on Virgo's bed which is right on top of mine, since it is a bunk bed. Now, the pain travels to my mind, and I couldn't do anything but to shriek with frustration. Slowly, I start to wonder if Virgo's words could be true. Am I... Am I cursed?

"Hmm, I know the perfect way in order to determine if Luna is cursed or not. Slowpoke, open your mouth." Virgo says, instructing her dopey Pokemon to open its mouth. With obedience, the Pokemon follows, opening its mouth widely. Virgo places the King's Rock on Slowpoke's mouth and slowly, the Pokemon starts to gobble it a whole.

As it gobbles, the Pokemon leaps from the bed and unto the floor. It stays there, glowing with the hues of white. I thought Slowpokes evolve by being bitten by Shellders? I guess they could evolve in order ways to I assume.

It evolves into something more unique, less dopey, and more majestic. According to the Pokedex, the name of the species is known as Slowking. A Psychic and water-type Pokemon.

Slowking is a bipedal Pokémon with a Shellder latched onto its head. It is primarily pink, with a pale yellow muzzle and scaled belly. Its feet and hands each have a single clawed digit, while the hands also have a clawless thumb. Around its neck is a spiny ruff with alternating red and white stripes. The Shellder on its head has a spiral shape with two horns near the base. A red gem resides in the center of the Shellder.

Shellder's bite releases venom into Slowpoke's brain, causing a chemical chain-reaction that unlocks a superior intelligence and extraordinary power. More venom is injected into Slowking every time it yawns. The more venom the Shellder releases, the more intelligent Slowking will become.

Due to its evolving, it has learned a new set of moves. They are to follow: Telekenisis, Water Pulse, Extrasensory, and the moved which remained when it was a mere Slowpoke, Headbutt.

"Alright Slowking, use Extrasensory on Luna!" Virgo instructs. In a matter of seconds, the move has been launched to me. It glitches my body, somehow warping me into abstract shapes just like what it does to Pokemons when it by the attack. Overall, it only gave me a pain in the head, a very painful sensation.

The move stops, and I drop to the ground, feeling dizzy and nauseous from the move. Above me, is a strange and unfamiliar Pokemon. It has the color of dark bluish-green. It floats amidst the air, with no visible arms or legs. Its lower half has several small appendages and resembles a ruffled dress. It has several round red gems around its neck, which are used to absorb fear and use it as nourishment. It has long, flowing lilac-tipped "hair". Its large, red eyes have yellow sclerae.

[Misdreavus! The screech Pokemon, a ghost type. MISDREAVUS frightens people with a creepy, sobbing cry. The POKéMON apparently uses its red spheres to absorb the fearful feelings of foes and turn them into nutrition.] The Kanto Dex from my pocket interrupts the sudden moment. Telling me details about the Pokemon flying over my head.

"Looks like Luna was possessed all along." Virgo chuckles while massaging the head of her Slowking.

Misdreavus looks towards me ferociously despite its adorable cute looks. It is at that moment when I realized the past events. When I was running to the outdoors of the tower, I stumbled to the ground. It may be, that I have accidentally stumbled on Misdreavus but didn't see her because she was invisible. And perhaps she makes me stumble all the time because of my actions.

"Sorry, Misdreavus. Were you attacking me because I stumbled upon you back in the tower?" I apologize and ask.

Misdreavus nods its head, continuing to look at me ferociously.

"I'm sorry again. Here, you can have this cookie as a compensation." I apologize sincerely, tossing a cookie from an open packet resting upon the desk.

"I was going to eat that cookie," Virgo says in disappointment.

Eating the cookie, Misdreavus becomes calm, and her ferocious looks fade away. She becomes jolly and spirited, showing her true emotions while drifting across the room.

"Hmm, how are we going to return Misdreavus to its home in Cherrgrove? We're on an island." Charlotte asks.

"Perhaps, it could stay a bit longer." I assume, watching its adorable looks hover across my face with pure ecstasy and joy.

"Misdreavus, since you're here, would you be willing to come and join my team instead? You know, you and I will fight together." I encourage, causing her to pause for a moment.

"Just take the offer as a compensation too," I add, giggling too.

Misdreavus remains silent for a moment, thinking of the decision.

It begins to shriek loudly, further drifting across the room but at a faster pace.

"I'll take that as a yes." I chuckle, watching her.

When all of her energy ran out, she stands in front of me, waiting for me to make the move. From my pocket, I take out a Pokeball and toss it towards her. The ball shakes three times and a row, and finally the sound of success emitted throughout! Misdreavus is finally mine, a new addition to the team.

Misdreavus, Mawile, Absol, Lily, and Kirlia, who knows what adventures the five us we'll encounter together? The moment after catching her, I send all of them out, including Misdreavus; in order for them to meet each other for the first time.

Misdreavus was quite happy to meet my other Pokemons and my friends' Pokemons'. A new beginning awaits for me and her. Misdreavus, my very first Ghost-type Pokemon!