EPISODE 77: Kris!***

Ah, a new day has arrived for Johto and the first thing that appears on my notification is an email from the executives. I quickly open the file in order to check what the executives have in store for us. Just by reading the first paragraph, I couldn't wait but to burst with pure bliss. I even woke Virgo up only to tell her about the news.

The executives have given us a chance to spend this day freely. In other terms, this is another day off! What could be better but to spend the day off in a city within Johto Mainland? We came up with the decision to visit a city we haven't been to before in order to try or see something new which is in Cianwood City. Cianwood City is located on the far western edge of Johto, apparently on a totally different landmass than the rest of the region. Due to Cianwood City being at a dead-end location in the Johto region, it was not a popular destination. However, after the recent opening of the Johto Safari Zone, it has attracted multiple trainers worldwide!

Perhaps this little day off will help ease my stress and worry especially after the loss of my friend. I still feel melancholy at times, I even made an excuse to go to the bathroom only to cry after my breakfast with Virgo. There was even a time when I nearly stumbled upon a pot of cactus while going back to our room in order to wear our casual public attire. It is because of Charlotte's image which made my mind float.

There are times when I was in pure bliss, especially when I was dressing up. How I remember the fun I had with Suicune. I wish to see the Pokemon once more, and perhaps ride on its back again. I want to feel the feeling I felt after touching its forehead.

With everything set, we finally proceed to Cianwood. As usual, Xeryll is our pilot and again, I nearly sobbed in the helicopter after remembering Charlotte. I try to keep things cool, forgetting her for at least a day in order to enjoy this one-day vacation of mine.

We are dropped on the west of the city, which is far from the public. According to our pilot, she'll be back before the evening in order to pick us up. In the city, I could feel the fresh wind hitting our skins. After all, the city rests upon the shores, hence the breeze is cool at times.

"So? Where do you want to go first? I've heard of their famous dish known as Tempura. Wanna go grab some?" Virgo suggests while reading some of the city's fliers as we walk.

"Sure. I'm willing to try something new." I concur, happily smiling.

We head to a restaurant which completely sits beside the bay. There are no windows, which means our sweat is cooled naturally by the cold zephyr of the land. The restaurant is quite large, having more than a hundred customers. It has a beach ambiance to it, wherein most of the restaurant are made out of bamboos wrapped together with strings. It reminds me of the time I made a raft with Xavier. I think that was a year ago. I was having a hard time back then.

As we search for a sit, my eyes come in contact with a familiar woman. Never did I expect Kris to be in the restaurant as well. However, it is quite surprising that she is alone. Ethan was nowhere to be found.

"Hey, Luna!" She calls from the distance, waving her hand. In response, I wave back at her.

"Who is she?" Virgo questions.

"An acquaintance of mine. Do not fear, she's not dangerous or anything. Actually, Kris is a benevolent person." I introduce. As luck would have it, Kris allowed us to sit with her since there are no other available options except for hers. The restaurant is jam-packed with starving civilians and tourists.

Waiting for our order, Virgo and Kris immediately became acquaintances after a short friendly talk with each other. I on the other hand did nothing at all but to watch the two of them talk. The news about Charlotte, I decided to keep it a secret from her, since she does not know her anyway.

"So, Kris, where is Ethan?" I question, interrupting their conversation for a moment.

"Oh him? Pfft, he's always a busy guy. He's in the Safari Zone training with his Pokemons. I don't know why but he's always serious every now and then, especially for the second to the last gym badge. I've claimed mine, but Ethan? Not yet. He lost to the gym leader twice, thus he decided to train." Kris explains, somehow saying it in a way she's trying to make fun of Ethan.

"I see," I reply, nearly wanting to laugh. A waiter interrupts our conversation this time, bringing the hot and spicy Tempura meals. Time to take a bite from this meal. Just from the start, I can say it smells good with a pinch of seafood aroma to it. I take my first bite, and hell did I fall in love with the meal right away. It has a pinch of sweetness, the main purpose why I crave for more.

The spiciness is quite too much for me to handle, but a little water from time to time cools this quickly. Overall, if I was a critique, I'd be rating this dish a full-on five! To my surprise, even Virgo is in love with the meal, and Kris as well! I am glad we chose Cianwood as our place to spend the day-off.

"Luna. I want to make a request." As we eat, Kris starts to ask a question. By her looks, she seems serious.

"Sure, what is it?"

"I have not battled you yet, and I wonder what Pokemon you have. So, will you accept my Pokemon Match? Just a three on three." She pleads. Her sparkling eyes are of those of Charlotte and I can't say no to those kinds of eyes.

"After we eat," I reply, willing to accept her challenge.

Outside the restaurant, little did we know someone was both stalking and eavesdropping us. He mutters softly while standing behind a post, hiding from us, "So, they're here again? Feraligatr, return to your Pokeball."

The Pokemon turns into a beam of red light as it gets absorbed into the Pokeball. The strange man leaves the post not to be seen... for now at least...