It is said the Lake of Rage was created the last time many Gyarados got together and stirred up a storm. The crater that remained filled with rainwater and became the Lake of Rage. Witnesses speak of a Gyarados different from the rest. It has the color of crimson red and was once an innocent little Magikarp which was forced to evolve because of some radio signal outburst caused by our hidden hideout.

Our hideout is not in the lake itself but rather near it though it was not clarified by the executives a while ago. According to Xeryll, our pilot, Team Rocket has a secret base in one of Mahogany Town's tea shops. Underneath the shop is where the base lies, hidden from people and Pokemon.

Mahogany Town is known to be the closest place to the Lake of Rage thus the signal outburst was able to affect the innocent Magikarp swimming in a lake. It is still unknown why our radio has caused a sudden outburst, perhaps a circuit has gone haywire again.

Mahogany Town was once a peaceful village, according to Virgo's stack of novels. It was once a village wherein ninjas resided there such as the ancestors of the famous gym leader Koga. Now, it is merely a town with a small population. It has a gym which attracts the attention of many trainers as well.

Upon arrival, we head straight to the tea shop wherein I and Virgo found the secret entrance completely opened. This is a bad sign for us since it shows that Lance has already been here earlier. We ask the owner of the tea shop who is in fact a Team Rocket member in disguise.

"The infiltrator is still inside, I have not seen him exit the base yet. Although, I have to warn you he is not alone. He came with a boy named--"

"Ethan is here as well." I interrupt, finishing off his statements. Without another moment to lose we head directly downstairs in order to finish the task before the intruders leave.

I have a bigger fish to fry now. First, Lance and now a trainer who pursues to become the next Pokemon Champion of the Johto Region. If you were to ask me, one week was quite fast for traveling with foot from Cianwood to Mahogany.

Inside, as expected me and Virgo sees the red lights flickering. The running of grunts can be heard everywhere. Desperate to stop the intruders they are. Our main mission is to rescue Petrel therefore we decided not to mingle with the other grunts for now. I will try to stay as far from Lance as possible but if commotions are necessary for the sake of the mission, then I shall gladly do what I must.

"Follow me," I instruct, grabbing Virgo's hand and heading to the parallel direction of the grunts.

"But the intruder is that way," Virgo complains.

"Petrel is the target, not the intruder," I reply in a blitz.

Luckily, Cliff thought me how to use some of Team Rocket's profound technologies. One of them is the location-detector which could be found in every corridor. As a registered member of Team Rocket with documents from the archives, I have the right to access such a device.

"Luna Evergreen," I say to the location-detector hanging on the wall. Primarily it looks like a telephone or a landline.

[Elite Operative Luna Evergreen. What may I do for you?] The device inquires.

"Find the location of Executive Petrel"

[Alright! Analysis complete. Please head north then turn to the east. You will see a room with the number 4 labeled on top. Enter, and you will find Petrel.] The device instructs.

Without further ado, I rush like a Rapidash, jolting as fast as possible to reach the room. I care not if I may perspire heavily because of these actions of mine but I must also remember that I'm asthmatic. Even Virgo knows that I'm asthmatic, and due to this she earnestly asks me to take halts from time to time in order to rest.

Outside the room, I take a small glimpse of what is happening inside. Me and Virgo, despite how fast we tried to run reached the room late. Petrel and Lance are already fighting while Ethan rummages our main source of electricity which is the plethora of Electrodes.

"Virgo. Stay here." I whisper, planning to go inside the room alone.

"What?! Why should I? I am here to help." Virgo counters.

"Virgo, it is too dangerous. Lance is not merely a dragon master. He is similar to me who has the will to kill anyone as long as that anyone is an enemy or threat to the fabric of order of Kanto and Johto. I am one of those enemies and I can't let you be one too."

"But what if he hurts you? If Charlotte was here, she would scold you for doing this alone."

Hearing her words I just respond with a chuckle and banged directly into the room, interrupting the scene. Petrel was shocked, as so as the two intruders. Sad to say, the moment I entered, the Electrodes were already free from their chambers. They flee, which means this vicinity has no choice but to use our generators instead. Although once the battery runs out, it's blackout time.

"Leave our executive alone," I demand.

"You never learn don't you?" The dragon master chuckles, throwing three of his Dragonites out. Seeing all those ferocious Dragonites has caused me to swallow my saliva deeply. I become intimidated and at the same time curious about why he'd train three of the same Pokemon.

Ethan comes to help Lance, tossing out his Typhlosion which makes this whole match uneven. Petrel looks to me and based on his facial expressions it seems to me he's trying to force me not to fight. Indeed, I do not want to fight since I know I don't stand a chance against three Dragonites and a Typhlosion however, I might have one trick up my sleeves. It's time to test this trick of mine.

I send out Gardevoir and command her to use Psychic. In this way, the Pokemon cannot move nor attack as they are lifted to the skies above. The Pokemon bumps into each other on the ceiling and is then dropped by Gardevoir. They land, crashing to their trainers. Due to the attack, the surrounding dust covers the whole room, making it seem like a grayish-brown sort of smoke.

I inhale deeply and cover my noise since I know that the dust will only trigger my asthma. I then look for Petrel but my plan was overdone. Due to the thickness of the smoke, I cannot see anything. I can only hear the sounds of the trainers and their Pokemon coughing.

"Luna?!" Virgo begins to call from the outskirts of the room. She begins to feel a bit of suspense, a mixture of worry and anxiety.

"I'm fine!" I reply with a loud voice while coughing. Despite covering my nose, the dust particles found a way to enter.

Seeing me in trouble, nearly suffocating because of the dust, Gardevoir puts matters into her own hands. With her Psychic move, she disperses the dust smoke as far away from me as possible. She sends it to the portion where Ethan and Lance are, but in return, Petrel was affected for he is in the same portion where the intruders are.