The whole tower heard my message, and they were alerted. The Pokemon International Police, they are amongst us, hiding as one of our men. Inside the control center, the grunts in charge of protecting the executives have started to become cautious, securing the doors tightly in order to avoid further interruption.
"Hurry! We do not have much time." Proton alerts to the scientists in charge of hacking the systems.
"Sir, it is eighty percent complete. We need an approximate amount of three minutes in order to complete this task." Professor Olive reports while typing as rapidly as possible on the keyboard of her laptop. She perspires heavily, yet she ceases to care about it. With the help of her colleagues, the task is in ease but still despite all of this hacking the whole radio system of the Johto region from the control center will take time.
Back at the CCTV room, the heated argument between me and Jenny intensifies. This argument of ours is as bitter as ever. Throughout our years of fighting and chasing, I believe our friendship has come to an end. We stare at each other, and it was clear that not even the slightest of mercy is present in our eyes.
"This is where the game ends Luna. I am not afraid of arresting you anymore. I've run out of sympathy for you." Jenny says. She smolders with resentment, rage flows through her like lava. Anger stirs within her as her fury springs to life. Meanwhile, Virgo does nothing, standing still in the corner of the room while watching this argument between me and my old friend. She dearly wants to stop the fight but a part of her was hesitating. She bites her lips, and the more the argument heats the tighter she bites it.
"You have murdered the lives of the innocent, and that includes Athena. She was like a mother to me, and yet you took her life away. She took care of us, and this is how you repay her-"
"Stop reminding me of what is done. This is the present, that is then!" I interrupt her statement, cutting her words to half.
"I do not want to do this, but I will if I must. I must restrain you and end this madness. I do not have my handcuffs nor my taser with me, thus I will improvise for now. Raichu, Electro Ball!" The ball was about to hit me when suddenly a violet veil governs it. The attack retaliates, pushing itself back to Raichu. I look to the left, and that is when I saw Virgo fighting Jenny with her Slowking. It is because of her why I was not paralyzed. Although, her Slowking is already weakened because of the previous attacks.
"Go, Luna! Revive your Pokemon, let me deal with her." Virgo blocks me and steps right into the action.
"You're one of her friends." Jenny mumbles, smirking brutally.
"And you are too. I am merely a diversion. If you want to get to her you must get through me first."
"Wow, you do act like a friend of hers. Where's the high-flying girl?"
"Gone." Virgo mumbles.
"Such a pity. Raichu, Thundershock!"
"I will take it from here, Misdreavus, shadow ball!" I interrupt the match, substituting with Virgo.
"Raichu, toss the ball back with your tail."
"It is nice to see you improve once in a while." Jenny compliments but sarcastically.
"And I'm assuming you've improved as well since our last meeting. Let us continue this match of ours."
"Thundershock right now Raichu!"
"Intercept with thunderbolt!"
The moves clash unto each other, causing the electricity to burst everywhere. It has destroyed a circuit underneath one of the tables, causing the monitors of the room to malfunction. I tilt back, seeing the spark from a wire which has been cut open by the attack. If I am to stumble, it will paralyze me maybe even for good.
"Luna! Watch out." Virgo warns. I look behind again, and saw my foot nearly touching the wire. I am not in my rubber outfit today, so this will be a big disadvantage for me.
"Misdreavus, hit the ceiling with shadow ball!"
The ball hits the roof, causing it to collapse. Jenny was nearly punctured by those metal scraps but her Raichu was able to save her by pushing the debris away with its tail. On our side, we were completely safe from the attack.
"You tried to kill?" Jenny shouts, searching for me through the dust which scattered across the room after the collapse of the ceilings above.
"Not trying to," I shout back sarcastically. I did not utter any more words, causing the room to be silent except for Jenny's coughs due to the dust particles entering her nose. She then hears a door which slams shut, and after a few moments, when the dust has settled, me and Virgo are no longer to be found with our Pokemon.
I used the opportunity as a chance to escape as she searched for us through the dust. I locked her from the outside. How? you may ask. Upon escaping I break the button on the doorknob which is used to lock the door from the inside and closed the door immediately. With the key to the room, I locked her and without the button, she will be unable to unlock herself.
"That treacherous woman!" She swears, violently shaking the doorknob in order to escape. Losing hope, she looks to the glitched monitors instead to watch whatever is happening from the outside.
"When did you learn how to lock a door from the outside?" Virgo questions as we run to the control room.
"I was bored the other night so I was watching some videos and stumbled upon a tutorial. I thought of it as an interesting video to watch, so... yeah." I say.
We avoid the halls where commotion can be found between the imposters and the real grunts, especially where the detective is. At the door of the control room, I knock violently, trying to grab the attention of the executives.
"It is us, Virgo and Luna!" I shout through the keyhole. The executives were relieved to hear my voice thus they ask the grunts to remove the plethora of furniture blocking the door for security. After letting us in, they close the door and secured it once more.
"Good grief! Where have the two of you been?" Archer asks.
"I knew something suspicious was going on thus I and Virgo went to the cameras. I figured the officers are pretending to be one of us. As we run here, most of our members have been captured, we merely avoided those paths in order not to get stuck into further trouble."
"Lucky for us, we were able to hear your message," Ariana says, sighing in relief.
"Done! Executives, we're finally finished." Professor Olive calls with joy and relief as her breathing intensifies due to all of her and her team's hard work. The whole radio network of the Johto region has fallen under our grasps. Now, it is time to commence the plans of the executives.