EPISODE 88: Faith!***

One week has passed yet not even the slightest presence of Giovanni was felt or seen throughout the Johto Region, leaving our organization in dismay. The executives are starting to lose hope, thinking of disbanding the organization for good. On the other hand, the Pokemon International Police are filled with determination only to seek for our hidden island.

Through some of our captured members, they were able to gather some information to find our headquarters. Still, even after a week they still struggle to find it. For the whole week, I and Virgo did not participate in any missions or operations. We just stayed in our room, doing whatever we can to entertain ourselves while the executives fight over the decision on whether to disband Team Rocket or not.

It seems cloudy for Giovanni's return and I have warned them about that back when I told the truth to Cliff and Professor Olive. Charlotte and Virgo were even listening during that time. If Team Rocket disbands, I have nowhere to go since Jenny is after me, the orphanage won't accept me, and I will have no choice but to live in the streets as a beggar. As much as possible I do not want to have a future like that.

Still, even if I have proven them wrong, I will be willing to encourage them not to disband Team Rocket. If their mindset is on "Giovanni is the boss" or "Giovanni is our leader" then Team Rocket will only fall.

So, early in the morning, I wake up and leave my room. My Pokemon are still sleeping in my bed as such as Virgo's Pokemon. In such an early morning like this, I wish to talk to the executives personally. A conversation with no one to interrupt, where privacy is present.

I enter Room-HQ and the first thing I see is the executives arguing with Professor Olive. The fight is heated, ferocious. If you are me, you will only be stressed by it. For me, they feel like a couple arguing or planning a divorce.

"Excuse me." I intervene.

"Luna? What are you doing here? It is still early in the morning. There are no missions yet so go back to sleep." Archer instructs.

"I wish to speak to the three of you privately."

"Go on, what do you have to say?" Ariana accepts my plead. She allows me to speak.

"Are the three of you planning to disband Team Rocket?" with a serious expression I ask.

"They are. I tried to convince them not to but they are still willing to disband Team Rocket." The professor answers, revealing the reason why they are arguing in the first place.

"I feel like Giovanni is not going to return an-"

"He won't." I interrupt Proton's words.

"Without him, Team Roc-"

"Team Rocket does not need Giovanni." I interrupt again. This time I interrupted Archer.

I then continue, "Team Rocket does not need Giovanni. He abandoned us."

"And last time, you were the one who encouraged us to believe he will return but now you tell us he won't?" Proton says, recalling my previous words.

"I know what I have said but I've seen the truth. Giovanni is nothing but a coward. His regime no longer belongs to him, it belongs to us, to the three of you. We are not in need of him, he does not govern us anymore. The three of you are our leaders, not him.

What can a man like him do? He won't randomly appear out of nowhere. He is hiding, hiding like everyone else whenever they meet a single defeat. Even if you find him, Giovanni will decline."

"We are only the leaders of the Johto Branch of Team Rocket," Ariana says.

"Then act like one. You are the leaders, not Giovanni. That man left us, even I myself regret to believe in his lies. Team Rocket is strong even without him. Professor Olive has worked hard to the point she avoids sleeping just to finish her research. If you were to disband Team Rocket, then that will be like throwing all your effort into the garbage bin.

What about those who've died for Team Rocket? Won't their sacrifice be thrown into the garbage bin if you disband this organization? About those missions which I attended to, all my effort will be a waste even if they are failures in the first place. We have made progress, and we must continue it until it reaches a hundred percent.

Moltres, we still have one last chance. If the enemy captures it, then we find an alternative. I know somewhere out there are Pokemon which matches the power of the three mirages. Please don't surrender when we have accomplished many."

"Moltres is in Mount Ember." Professor Olive says softly.

"Then I will be willing to obtain it with Virgo. For the sake of Team Rocket, not Giovanni. Goldenrod is not our final stand, Ho-oh is. I know soon, we will acquire it."

"Sigh, you have a point," Proton says.

"I used to have faith in Giovanni, but your words have twisted it. As an executive, I concur with Luna's words. Team Rocket is not a coward like Giovanni who surrenders after failure. Even if we are few, we still have strong men like Cliff and the other scattered Elite Operatives.

Team Rocket shall rise once more!" Archer adds.

"So, the decision is final then. Team Rocket is not in the need of disbanding but rather, improvement. Luna Evergreen, you have your task. Find Moltres and bring it back, in this way we will acquire the legends of Ho-Oh. Alert your partner, you have a big mission ahead of you." Ariana declares confidently.

"I will prepare the required devices right away! In the meantime, go have your breakfast. Team Rocket needs to prepare for this mission." Professor Olive says happily with determination. The argument in between has calmed, and faith has been restored.

"Team Rocket! BLAST-OFF!" The three executives, together with one voice they shout their words in full determination and enthusiasm.

Team Rocket is for the good of the world, and I won't stop until our progress has been completed. We are not like the Pokemon Government Council who gives up after their headquarters being blown. There is no last stand, for as long as the world exists, Team Rocket will roam the land...