EPISODE 97: Help!***

We are about to leave this haven of the dead boss, finally forgetting that has ever happened. I also came up with a perfect excuse to tell my pilot and the executives. As for Virgo, I trust that she won't be spoiling my actions or revealing the truth to them. As for the papers, I tore them one by one and letting them fly with the harsh wind.

Those torn papers shall tell the skies how angry I am. Even in death, a part of me was still enraging. I feel like, I could've done more rather than just letting him experience a quick death.

From behind, the noise of a woman panting in exhaustion and pain broke loose. Whoever it is, she seems to become closer. Hearing her footsteps, we raise our guard to the limit, preparing in case someone dares to attack us.

My jaw drop after realizing it was Jenny all along. On her abdomen is a scrap of metal piercing her. She looks to me with weary eyes, begging for help. Her lungs plead desperately for air as she falls to the ground. I do not know how to react. She is in need of urgent assistance and I believe, even if we are enemies I must help her in some way. A truce.

Me and Virgo decided to assist her. We lean her unto the wall as I aid her wound. Slowly but surely I remove the metal scrap which pierced her abdomen deeply. The scrap was so long, and I hypothesize that she has a chance of experiencing internal bleeding because of this.

As I aid her, she twinkles her eyes, smiling directly at my face. "Luna. I need your help." She says with a hoarse voice.

"What do you think I'm doing? Take it as a truce. Whatever happened to you?"

"Johto Region in need of your assistance. I traveled to your island which I luckily found earlier. I pleaded to see Luna and they told me you were in Mount Gold so I went here. It has begun. I should've paid further attention to the Rebirth Society rather than Team Rocket and now it is too late.

Please Luna, just this once. Let Team Rocket and the Pokemon International Police set aside their difference. I won't arrest you as long as you help. Innocent lives are at stake! People and buildings are turning into ashes for some reason. I and the detective cannot handle this thing alone nor an army of armored police.

They struck us blindly, unprepared. Now, it is too late but I believe there is a way to stop it. Please, I'm begging for your assistance." She pleads desperately, shedding a tear only to hear my yes. Virgo becomes worried for Johto too.

"I'm sorry but this is not the problem of Team Rocket I believe."

"Please, Luna. Team Rocket is against the Rebirth Society-"

"That was before! We lost." I cut her words.

"No Luna, Team Rocket never lost. If it lost, then how do you explain the aid of your executives? All of them are in Goldenrod, helping out the civilians. This is not the time to fight, for once let us have a truce."

"Team Rocket... is fighting?"

"Yes. All of them, all of us are struggling to take down the invasion from the skies. None of us were prepared. None. Eusine, Silver, Kris, and Ethan, they're all in the city fighting. I need your help too. I barely made it out alive after being thrown with a metal scrap with one of their grunts."

"I'm sorry Jenny but there is no way on stopping this apocalypse."

"Actually there is." Virgo interrupts.

"Remember what Tres said? The beasts, look for them. Their powers are of the mirages. Perhaps with their help, we can defeat the Rebirth Society and sew the fabric of order."

"What the? Who are these beasts?"

"That is for us to find out." Jenny encourages clinging to my hand tightly.

"Fine! I will help, but I cannot do this alone. We need the assistance of the Rainbow wing. Luckily, I saved the photos of all eight pieces in my Rotom-Phone thus we can complete the puzzle here. Once that is done, we can find its location." I sigh, and finally agreed.

With the holographic feature of my phone, I reassemble the eight pieces, trying to solve one of the most complex puzzles in history. Virgo and Jenny helped out as well. After five minutes, the jigsaw puzzle is complete. It reveals the image of what I assume is another mountain.

"I know that landmark. That is the Mount Silver!" Virgo says with enthusiasm.

"Mount Silver? The rainbow wing is in Mount Silver? Then what are we waiting for? I'll contact Xeryll with the Porograph. It does not need the presence of a high signal." Happily, I beam knowing that Team Rocket is another step closer towards success. Looks like my goals have shifted for now, from killing Giovanni to a region in dire need of help. It is time to end the Rebirth Society, and put a stop to all of this madness.

"I see. I'm on my way." Xeryll says and declines the call...

The journey to the Mountain of Silver begins now. Now I comprehend the words of the final elder. He gave Moltres in purpose not because he was bored or had nothing to do but because he knew this must happen. It cannot be avoided only stopped. This is the prophecy written in the books of old.