EPISODE 100: Wings!***

"Mother, I've locked Emily in our room. She was also struggling to escape." Ebony enters the control center and reports back to Lilith.

"Let her be. For now, she may not understand but soon, I know she will. This is for you, her, and our entire organization. I want you to join a Squadron who will be sent to Ecruteak City."

"Wh-What for mother?"

"I want you to have this," Lilith says softly. From her hand, she passes the Silver Wing to Ebony's palm. For the moment, she flinched after receiving the wing. Just like the Rainbow Wing, the Silver Wing lulled her. It is as if an attractive force is hugging Ebony, bringing her head closer to the wing.

"With that wing, I want you to summon Lugia on top of the Eastern Tower. All you have to do is to climb and as much as possible, avoid the light. If it touches your skin, you will turn to dust just like everyone else. Upon reaching the pinnacle of the tower, I want you to call Lugia's name. With the Pokemon on our grasps, we shall find the Rainbow Wing whom I assume is with Team Rocket and completely devastate this whole region. Once that is complete, we will start a new region.

You will be escorted by Professor Violet and our leading admin, Harold Humboldt. This is my final task to you as a leader of the Rebirth Society for once this is over, I am no longer a leader but a mother." Lilith instructs as she hugs her daughter tightly. With her hand, she gently touches Ebony's face, swiping it across. The smile of a mother is present in her face.

From behind comes the Professor Violet and Harold Humboldt. He is a malevolent man with cunning eyes, a white beard, and fair complexion. He has earned the title as one of the Rebirth Society's leading admins for his skills in Pokemon Battling. He is also the captain of ship FF43 which is always located behind the mother ship.

"The two of you, escort my daughter and make sure no trouble comes across her path. I will also each and every one of you one of the mirages. Ebony will have Articuno, Professor Violet you will have Zapdos and finally Harold Humboldt you will have Moltres. Make me proud, for the glory of the Rebirth Society!"

"But mother? What about our weaponry? If you take out the mirages, wouldn't everything cease to operate?"

"No my darling. I have gathered enough energy from the three of them that could last for a week. Just return the mirages upon your return. Now, good luck to all of you."

"For the Rebirth Society!" The three salute to their leader as they utter their words in full determination. They then leave to focus on their main agenda alongside with the assistance of the mirages. They have been removed from their chambers and were returned to their Pokeballs.

Meanwhile in Ecruteak City, the battle between people and their struggle to survive against the grunts of the Rebirth Society intensifies. Some sacrificed themselves for the sake of others, while there were also those who ran, desperate to hide from the beam of light shredding Johto in dust slowly by slowly.

"Ethan, Kris! Be careful." Eusine calls their names from afar while fighting off a grunt.

"We're aware of that." The two answer back while focusing their tag battle with two grunts from the other side of the street.

Meanwhile, beside the two towers of Ecruteak, Silver stood and fought. With him and his Feraligatr, they wrecked anyone who would dare to come across their path. He also saved a lot of civilians who were running from the terror and dread brought upon by the Rebirth Society. Still, despite all of this, more grunts kept on challenging him to the point he is completely shrouded by them.

"Ethan! The light!" Kris warns, noticing the beam of light approaching him from the corner of the street. Unable to react quickly, Kris decides to take things into her own hands. She grabs his hand and pushes him to the floor.

"Phew. That was a close one." He sighs in relief.

"Why were you unable to react?! You could've died back there!"

"Right about that... I flinched."

On the other streets of Ecruteak, some grunts of Team Rocket can be found trying to fight off the grunts with the support of civilians who've volunteered to help as so as the trainers with courage and bravery. The three executives, on the other hand, remained at Rocket Island. They are in charge of receiving calls from the grunts and respond to their pleas for assistance immediately.

We have also assembled our reserved troops who are also currently in the tower. They will only be used during desperate times or if any grunt needs to be replaced after an injury.

While the whole region panics in despair, above the skies, I and my associates head to the Eastern Tower to quell the fighting once in for all. From above, my eyes met with Kris which made her smile. Silver was also shocked to see the three of us riding the backs of the legendary trios.

"I knew she was a benevolent woman!" She says happily to herself while waving from below. I smile and wave back to her as we continue our way to the Eastern Tower.