EPISODE 106: Conquests!***

The conflict which nearly lasted a day has finally come to an end. Team Rocket has returned to the typical organization life with new goals ahead and dreams ahead of them. As for the plan to capture the two legends of Johto, it has been canceled for the sake of avoiding another devastating conflict.

Early in the morning, I was called to Room-HQ to discuss particular matters with the three executives. Sadly, Petrel is still held captive by the Pokemon International Police. It also makes me wonder why they would be calling me in the first place but for sure, it is something important.

Once more, I am greeted by the silhouettes of the three executives flashed unto the tall glass pillars. Professor Olive was there too, smiling blissfully towards me as I enter the room. As usual, the room remains cold to the point my fingers fill numb and stiff.

"Good morning agent Luna Evergreen. Sorry for calling you this early. We would like to report that our goal to capture Ho-Oh and Lugia will be shut down for good." Ariana utters.

"Shut down for good?!" I exclaim, nearly losing all of my breath after hearing her words.

"Yes. We figured that it would be too dangerous to capture the two Pokemon so we, the executives have decided to think of a new plan, and that is to find Mewtwo."

Hearing Proton's words, I pout and sigh.

"Mewtwo. That will take forever to find and come to think of it, redoing the schemes of Giovanni will have the same ending." complain, me.

"That reminds me, what happened with your mission to return Giovanni to headquarters?" Professor Olive enters the discussion.

"About him? Me and Virgo saw him dead due to self-infliction. We arrived too late and was only greeted by his dead body. I assume it was because of difficulty when it comes to handling stress that gave him the decision to harm himself." My excuse shocks everyone in the room. All their mouths were opened wide as they look at me with twinkling eyes.

"Wh-what?" Archer asks in hysteria.

"My words are true, executive. His body is still laying on the snow if I am not mistaken. Perhaps you can dispatch a squadron to find his body. You could always preserve him, that's if our mascot is still going to be Giovanni."

"I did not expect Giovanni to do such a horrible thing. Perhaps we'll abide by your suggestion and find the body immediately for preservation. Anyway, Luna Evergreen, on behalf of the executives, I'd like to thank you for everything you have done in this region. Our expedition may not be a success, leaving us to only Mewtwo but at least we now know the consequences of misunderstanding things, particularly prophecies and some of that matter.

I've also heard that Virgo is a bookworm so we decided to promote her as a professor of Team Rocket. With her information, we will claim Mewtwo once more." Proton acknowledges.

" Virgo never told me she was promoted. I bet she was keeping it as a surprise. Anyway, still focused on those serums? Why not switch things up a bit? I mean, Team Rocket needs a new goal once in a while. Right?"

"For our branch, no. But for others? Yes. We did not call you only to merely praise you for your actions as an Elite Operative of Team Rocket. Luna Evergreen, this world of ours is vast. Many regions, and many Pokemon. I would like to announce that you are no longer part of the Johto Branch of Team Rocket."

"Am I fired?!" I ask Professor Olive. My exaggerated worried expression gave everyone in the room a laughter of a lifetime.

"No, no. Sorry, but Professor Olive was unable to make her words clear. Why would we fire such a talented Elite Operative? We are moving you to a new branch of Team Rocket in order for you to help out with their goal. It has something to do with energy, according to the head of the branch." Proton clarifies. His words have given me a relieving sigh.

"Team Rocket has other branches aside from Kanto and Johto?! What happened to the scarcity of members which the three of you complained about?"

"The executives don't usually ask for support from other branches and rely on this one alone. Also, our other branches are just young with merely a thousand members registered on our archives. What they meant by scarcity is the lack of troops in this regional branch of ours." The professor clears things up.

"You will be departed to a faraway region known as Hoenn. There, your conquest with their branch shall begin. As for Virgo, she will be left here with us. So, today will be your last day together for tomorrow? A new adventure filled with countless rivals and challenges is waiting for you." Ariana's words have made me shed a single drop of tear. Going to a new region alone, without the assistance of my friend Virgo is one of the most unexpected scenarios for me.

"Don't feel down Luna. Virgo will be working with us for the common good of our branch. That doesn't mean the two of you won't see each other forever. As for Professor Olive and Pilot Xeryll, they are still yours to command. Olive will be coming with you to the Hoenn Region." Archer comforts. His words are filled with an abundant amount of solace.

"I guess that will mean I will be working with new agents? I never thought this day would come." I take a deep breath and inclined my tone saying, "Alright! Team Rocket won't be left in vain. I am willing to participate in the Hoenn Conquests! Please give me time to bid my goodbye to Virgo and to prepare for my trip."

"Luna Evergreen, you have one day," Proton says.

And so, this will be the end of my journey here in the Johto Region. At least I was able to explore most of the region's famous landmarks and despite failure, Team Rocket has proposed an alternate plan to find Mewtwo but sadly I won't be part of it. There is only one thing to deal with and that is how Virgo will react to this news.