EPISODE 5: Arrival!*

The clock strikes one in the afternoon. A plane with the model, [KJHSUKAG] makes a descent to the airport in Slateport City. Inside the plane is Jenny, staring down at the window and watching the marvelous Pokemon of Hoenn with her Raichu. Some of these, she has not seen before while others are quite familiar.

A part of her was filled with thrill and flabbergast. Despite this, a feeling inside makes her depressed as she remembers her family. After realizing the purpose of arriving here in the region, all of her excitement withered into melancholy. The image of her mother and father, including her sister, makes Jenny feel so subtle all of a sudden.

[This is your captain speaking. We are now in Slateport Hoenn. Thank you for riding with Johto Airlines and we hope to see you again! Do not forget your luggage!] The speaker announces, bringing delirium to everyone except for Jenny.

"Raichu. Return to your Pokeball."

Making her first steps unto the land of Hoenn, a sudden cold breeze blows Jenny's hair. The breeze is not violently but rather calm and refreshing to anyone who feels it. It has air with passion, a drive that powers onward wherein every direction is an option. She makes her saunter to the city's proper, being greeted by the large grins of the vendors and citizens.

Unlike Johto and Kanto, Hoenn is a very massive region filled with an abundant amount of people. Most of the vendors offered her products, others offered her some free samples, food, and drinks but she declined all of them since she was not interested.

After walking for hours through the city, she checks the address sent by the detective through the email. Looker has booked her in an apartment for her to stay for the time being while she investigates the crimes in this region. She goes to "126 Whismur" street which seems more like a stinky alley at first glance.

The alley is filled with the aroma of garbage bins and other objects related to this. Vandalism is present while large puddles of water filled the cracks on the path she passes through. At the very edge of the alley is a dead end wherein on the left of it is where a single old and wooden door can be found.

"Out of all of the apartments here in Hoenn, he chooses this?" She sighs in disappointment. Afterward, she decides to knock wherein she was greeted by a staff of the apartment.

"Good afternoon. How may I help?" the maid offers a hand to carry the luggage but Jenny refuses.

"I was booked here by um, sir Looker."

"Oh, Looker? Right. Follow me." The maid smiles after hearing the name. She opens and door for Jenny to pass as she carries her own luggage to her room.

The tiles of the apartment are checkered with black and white. Most of the paint is corroded brown but at least they're not that bad and are in decent condition. The apartment is somewhere between two or three stars. The tables and chairs on the other hand are all clean which means the maids are doing their job properly.

Her room is given, [Room 436] and she was expecting something astounding, however, upon arriving she was greeted with a decent bed, a small desk on the corner with a lamp on top, one window which points to nothing but a roof of the neighboring house, and a bathroom still in a good condition.

"Thank you." She greets the maid with a smile, giving her tip as well.

"No, thank you." The maid smiles back, receiving the extra money from Jenny.

Jenny then locks the door to proceed with her personal business which not even the detective knows about this. She locks the door, pulls down the curtains to cover the single window in the room, and places her luggage on the bed.

On one of the walls is where the real fun begins. She takes out a wide map of the Hoenn Region which she bought recently. With tape, she sticks the map and marveled at its looks. From her luggage, she takes out newspapers and other information about her family.

Carefully, she sticks them unto the map in order for the truth to reveal herself. "Father died near Rustboro city on his way to the airport. Sister was kidnapped by the men wearing red suits, and then mother was murdered in front of my eyes. So far, she is the only one killed by Team Rocket for I was the one who witnessed it myself.

Now, only a few questions remain. What is the truth behind my father's accident? Why was my sister kidnapped in the first place? Could she be alive?!" She queries to her mind, drawing lines unto the map with a red marker to the point it looks more like a map of a serial killer.

"I have brought justice to many families, and it is time to bring justice to my own."