EPISODE 8: Not as ZEALous After All?!*

The sliding doors open in a push of a button, releasing a puff of white smoke unto the air. It only lasted for ten seconds before completely blending with the wind. From the doors comes a woman whom I am aghast to see. Those razor-edged eyes, pale complexion, orange hues on her hair. With confidence, she walks forward to the three leaders of this branch.

"Greetings Elite Operative Zeal. From this day onward, you will be helping a fellow Elite Operative. Her name is Luna Evergreen and just like you, she's smart and aggressive." Fortuna shows the woman her poisonous smile again while introducing her to me.

"What the?!" She looks at me and I look at her. There we realized each other's face. She's no other than the woman whom I nearly stumbled upon during my walk to this exact room. I remember her malice towards me, and in front, I infuriate unto her.

"Oh, how nice. You're friends already." Hector teases sarcastically.

"I know you. You're the one who nearly bumped me."

"It was as an accident."

"You should've watched where you're going." She is shrouded with pure anger and all she ever wants is to spill it to me. Indeed, I am arrogant but I know when to be and not. By the way, it looks, she's using it for an unnecessary reason.

"I apologized. Did I not?" Body wrapped with my hands, I ask a question with one eyebrow raised.

"Come on, it's not like the two of you are roommates. Everything will be fine! All you have to do is to participate in missions together." says, Professor Olive in a sarcastic manner.

"I disagree." Zeal pouts and tilts her head away from me as I do the same. It reminds me of that one guy, Xavier Kimberlite before he admitted the truth about his past.

"The two of you have no choice, Copper and Vizion are already partners so the two of you are left," Crimson says as his fingers intertwine with one another.

"Who are those?"

"Oh right. Um, Copper and Vizion are Elite Operatives too." Professor Olive replies to my question.

"Hmm, and here I thought I was going to be partnered with Vizion." Zeal mumbles with disappointment as she stares at the black tiles.

"Who's Vizion?"

"You have no absolute idea on who he is?! Vizion is one of the greatest Team Rocket Elite Operatives of all time!" Zeal exaggerates her answer to my question.

"Never heard of him but ok." with an expressionless face, I utter, thinking how he looked like in the first place. I bet he's like Xavier since most Elite Operatives are quite arrogant especially when they're at the very top.

"Please Leader Crimson, can I be Vizion's partner instead?" Zeal pleads, even kneeling down before our leader. She tries to use Charlotte's baby doll eye technique but that does not seem to influence the leader.

"I'm sorry, but my decisions are final. Do not worry, you and Luna will soon become friends. I'm sure of it. As of now, why not give each other a little handshake as a symbol of cooperation?"

"Fine." the two of us rustle. We extend our hands languidly. We are in agitation as our hands experienced a tremor. A part of us resisted, a repel between our hands. Despite this, we fought the repelling force until our hands stick to each other. For two seconds we shake, and rapidly removing our hands from each other as we wipe them unto our leggings.

"Hmm, I guess I have to choice but to be with you. Make sure you don't screw things up," she complains and rants, looking at my eyes strictly.

"Of course I won't. Just don't screw things up either."

"Pfft. I, Zeal, never failed a single mission."

"I've come across some failures but at least I played a major goal."

"A major goal?"

"Nothing much. All I ever did was to capture Mewtwo, chase for the mirages, handle the beasts, look for the rainbow wing, stop an apocalypse which was about to hit Johto, exploded an enemy's headquarters and things similar to this." I boast but sardonically.

"Hmph." She murmurs and tilts her head swiftly to the left.

"See. I knew it. The two of you are getting along. Once the two of you improve and have been able to impress me then I'll surprise the two of you with a little present." Crimson promises. Hearing the word present, our attention was quickly grabbed as we look to him in awe and interest.

"What kind of present?" The two of us query like children during Christmas.

"Now that's my little secret. I will be telling you once I see improvement. Don't worry, you have my word. For now, the two of you are dismissed."

"Aw, and here I was, zealous as ever. Anyway, I'll be meeting you in our first mission as a um... an associate. Now if you would excuse me, I have some important business to attend to."

"Sure thing." I smile sardonically while waving my hand as I watch her leave the room.

"About you, Luna are you not going to explore our headquarters?"

"No thanks, Professor Olive. I'll be heading to the library. Leader Crimson, Admin Hector, Admin Fortuna, I will be going for now." I bid my goodbye and left the room with excitement. I cannot wait but to have a glimpse of our library. It is the place where knowledge and wisdom collide.

"Professor Olive. I've heard reports about this... um, serums being implemented by two secret organizations." Crimson tilts his head to the professor alongside with his admins. They had a little private chat.

"What do you mean? I have never heard of such a thing before."

"Well, apparently you do now. There's this white serum that has the power to brainwash people. I want you to further research about the said object to know if it is true."

"But do we have a sample, Admin Hector?"

"So far no. But once we do, I need you to investigate right away. I'm afraid two of our members here in Team Rocket have been brainwashed as a result of the serums. I am uncertain about their names since they're just a rumor passed down until it came to us."

"No worries Admin Fortuna. Leave the rest to me and I will be able to investigate." says, Professor Olive with certainty.