EPISODE 11: Surprise Awakening!*

On his cane is a hidden button in which he pressed. The whole ground begins to tremble before my eyes. I was stunned for it was my first time to experience such a strange scenario happening in the library. Soon, the tables and shelves disappear, descending to the ground until nothing was left except for an empty room.

The doors, on the other hand, locked themselves. The windows close, shutting the orange light from entering. The chandeliers are the only source of brightness, they hang above the ceilings, extending their hues to the once majestic library which is now a battlefield.

"I am Melchior Stronghold. For years, I have devoted myself to this organization and as long as I live, I will make sure the next generations have the strength to uphold this organization." for the third time, he introduces as he unfurls his cape. He lowers his fedora and the music of varmint plays over the distance.

"Altaria, I choose you! Have I mentioned I am a professional dragon trainer?"

"Oh Arceus." choking my saliva heavily, I remember my experience with dragons, and all of them ended up in defeat. Despite this, I was able to achieve near-victory during the time I tried to save Petrel from Lance.

"Altaria is both dragon and flying which means it does not stand a chance against a steel type. And so, if I were to assume, Mawile would be the best choice since it not only knows a steel type move but also an ice type which is super effective plus its typing is both steel and fairy."

"Young lady, Pokemon battling should be done with fun. Your calculations will only lead yourself to worry and the more you worry the less confidence you will have towards yourself. The best strategies are thought during the toughest scenarios."

"R-right. Go Mawile!"

Mawile exits her Pokeball with flawlessly. Her eyes come in contact with Altaria, making the prologue of a strenuous match a staredown.

"Battle Begin! Luna, I give you the first move."

"Let's see..." squinting my eyes, I thought hard of the situation even if there is no situation. The history of my time with dragons have left a traumatic impact on me.

"Luna!" Melchior calls, snapping me out of the calculations I was doing in my mind.

"Right. Let's start it off with Iron Head!"

Mawile's jaws become coated with a metallic pigment, making it tougher. Like a bullet, it dashes straight to the foe. Altaria dodges by flying higher to the sky, the usual counter in these kinds of scenarios.

"Altaria, Dragon Dance!" commands, Melchior.

Altaria lets out its cry, spinning its tail rapidly to form a violent storm. Amidst the storm comes red lightning which cloaks the Pokemon. According to my Pokedex, Dragon Dance sharply boosts most of the user's statistics which includes attacks and defenses.

"Try Vice Grip!"

"Altaria, drill beck to intercept!"

Mawile opens its jaw widely, aiming for the wing of the foe, however, because of the boosted stat, Altaria was able to deal damage first. I dealt a galore, and by the way I look at Mawile I knew she was screaming for help.

"Come on Luna... Think! You got this." gripping my hair tightly, I boost my confidence with determination.

"Drill peck one more time."

"That's it! Ice Beam!" An idea pops up. Right before being hit by that razor-edged beak, Mawile zaps Altaria with ice, crashing itself to the ground afterward.

"You've got skills. I told you, strategies are best forged under fire and tribulation. Keep up the good work and perhaps you will beat my Altaria. Now it is our turn to make a move, Dragon Rush!"

Cloak with an ebony silhouette of a dragon, Altaria unleashes its cry, stretching its wings as far as the eye could see. The wind coming from its cry intimidated Mawile. Afterward, the foe zooms directly to us. There was no sign of mercy on Altaria's eyes.

"Mawile!" I try to grab her attention but it was too late. She has completely flinched because of the move. Her eyes, they beg for mercy, her mouth could taste the upcoming bitter end. I remember the words of a wise woman, type disadvantage don't normally work that's if, the opponent knows how to handle them.

Dragon Dance plus Dragon Rush, now that is what I call a grave scenario. No matter how hard I tried to call Mawile's name, she remains flinched as the move hits her once in for all. My heart starts to race with the enzymes of my brain. I could hear it pumping blood, and my eyes longing to see what happened within the black swirling storm of dust.

I sigh in relief, seeing Mawile able to withstand the attack but seriously injured. The fate of this match depends on Mawile. With her remaining might, she did her best to stand firm amidst the glaring eyes of the foe. I could hear her crying internally and it is at that moment when I realized I needed to train my Pokemon more often rather than depending on the strong and leaving the weak, as weak.

"Mawile! You've got this." I cheer her on.

"Hehe. It's been a long time." says, Melchior on his mind.

From the other side of the battlefield, he shouts, gathering my attention from Mawile, "Pathetic agent."

"What the?!"

"Am I to blame the Pokemon? Or the agent who is responsible for training it? Perhaps you're too soft. Perhaps you belong to those who spare mercy?" out of nowhere, his words began to trigger me. Instead of cheering for Mawile, I enraged like fire, blood, traveling through my vessels fastly.

"I'm not soft!"

"Then prove it to me." taunts, Melchior. "Prove to me you deserve to be an Elite Operative of Team Rocket!"

"Mawile, stand and fight!" being pressured by Melchior, it was more like commanding rather than cheering for my Pokemon. Mawile tries its best, but her eyes told me to surrender, if I do, then that would prove Melchior's words correct.

"Soft." insults, Melchior once more further adding pressure to me.

Mawile cries desperately.

"Mawile! Stand."

"It is not the Pokemon who needs to stand, it is you! Don't take my words literally, I've heard about you before. Giovanni once told me about an agent who spared no mercy to her enemies, now I want to see it before my eyes.

I've read about your biography, you're a young woman with Dysphemia."

"Don't mention my disease."

"You're scared of it. It is still with you, and only through that microchip are you able to control it. Without it, you will be the same Luna you once were. A girl who longs for a typical life. A... stutter girl."

Hearing those two words everyone used to call me, I, myself flinched after remembering Chloe who has escaped my grasps. The insults and mockery they've thrown upon me, every single one of them was recalled on my mind. My anger turns to aggression, and who the hell cares anymore? It's time to take this match to a whole level.

With enough persuasion, Mawile was finally able to stand at last. Just like my motto, strike for the king rather than the pawn. Her once adorable eyes become blood red. I can feel the wind intensifying from behind.

Mawile screeches loudly as sand began to swirl like tornadoes and hurricanes. A new move, known as Sandstorm.

It is as if we were in a harsh desert. Nothing could be seen except for the sand violently circulating the place. Even me and Mawile can no longer see the Pokemon. It is a total zero-visibility. From the sand that rages onward, I call upon the embrace.

"Gardevoir! It's time to perfect this. Psychic."

Last time was a horrible failure when trying to handle a dust storm, but now it is time to learn how to control it except its sand rather than dust but sand will do. With Psychic, all the grains of sand merged into one feisty sand hurricane. It was then pushed to Melchior and Altaria.

An old man like him will definitely suffocate from the sand. If it was not because of Altaria who knows wing attack, this would be a perfect way to end things. With the move, wing attack, Altaria disperses the storm, making the room calm once more.

"And there we go. Alt-"

Gardevoir interrupts, bringing both Melchior and Altaria to the ceilings. With one command, she could let them go, their life for good... At least that's what I think. One word, that's all it takes and now I do not feel the urge to hesitate. The feeling I had when I once killed my sister, I feel it again.

"Go," I mutter, and from that moment Gardevoir unleashes both of them. Melchior was about to hit the ground but Altaria was able to rescue him just in a nick of time. Silly me, I forgot I focused too much on Melchior to the point I forgot Altaria had wings.

They calmly descend to the ground.

"Absol! You're turn. You know what to do."

Absol's paws becomes covered with shadows. It glares then rushed unto the two of them. It was so close, the paw from Melchior's body since Absol was able to dodge Altaria who earnestly tried to protect its trainer but Melchior's shout snapped me out. "Enough!"

That single word was able to surprise me and the next thing I knew, three of my Pokemon were outside their Pokeballs. The blood-red eyes of Mawile also returned to the one adorable pupils which always manages to attract me.

"I had seen enough. Giovanni was right." Melchior says, while massaging his back as he approaches me delicately.

"As a reward for accepting my match I wanted to give you a gift." says, the old man while extending to me what appears to be a Pokemon Egg.

"A Pokemon Egg?"

"Yes. I found it floating in the stream once, so I decided to take care of it but even until now, it has not hatched. Perhaps you would like to take care of it instead?"


"Well, you're the only woman I know who I believe can take the responsibility of handling this egg."

At the end of this very day, I accepted Melchior's offer and decided to raise the egg. I did it for the fun of taking care of it, and to finally have a complete team of six in the future. I may not be a breeder or a daycare lady but I know a thing or two about Pokemon Eggs. Alongside it, Melchior also gave me an incubator which I know how to use since Athena thought me before after her Flygon laid an egg. She actually bred a dragon to a ditto and I'm surprised those kinds of things work. I also wonder how.

After this Pokemon battle, I felt enlightened.